Top 15 Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Type a long tweet and 5Tweets will rewrite it into multiple tweets with a tweet count.

1. Long Tweet Splitter

Long Tweet Splitter 140 character is NOT Enough? then Split down your long hashtaged tweet......

2. lets you type longer tweets right from TweetDeck.......

3. TwitLonger

TwitLonger TwitLonger is a simple service that lets you post those tricky messages on Twitter that really do need more than 140 characters. Write what you need on TwitLonger, and the website posts the link to Twitter for you.......

4. tweenjoy

tweenjoy Tweenjoy allows you to send longer tweets to Twitter with more than 140 characters. You can personalize your tweet as you like changing font size, colors even selecting background images relating with sport, love, christmas.........

5. twtmore

twtmore Write a tweet too long? It's way over that dang 140 character limit? Use twtmore. We make posting tweets (over 140 characters) easy!Just press the "Connect to your Twitter account" button to get started - right after, you can start writing your tweet. Feel free to put links to pictures......

6. Embedle

Embedle With Embedle, you can embed your tweet conversations into the webpages you share on twitter, send longer tweets and schedule unlimited tweets.......

7. Twishort

Twishort Twishort is a best Twitter app for writing longer tweets. Tweet more than 140 characters......

8. Twinormous

Twinormous Go over 140 characters on Twitter by splitting long messages into multiple tweets with Twinormous. Rather than requiring followers to 'click a link for full text', they'll see your entire message right in their timelines, increasing exposure. Messages are split as-you-type so you'll see the final result before......

9. A newspaper built from all the articles, blog posts, videos and photos shared on Twitter or Facebook.......

10. Charm:Collect Tweets on Twitter

Charm:Collect Tweets on Twitter Charm is a Twitter companion app for iOS.Organise Tweets into collections, save articles for later, cue up playlists of music you find, or transcribe conversations.You can use it to tell stories, hold on to jokes, capture Tweetstorms and monologues. Charm has features to curate Tweets from events you’re watching, too.Twitter......

11. DataWallet

DataWallet Your time spent online is money, and your data is gold just sitting in your pocket. Instead of big data brokerage firms selling this data behind your back, DataWallet allows you to take control and reclaim the profits made with your data for yourself.......

12. Circular

Circular Circular is a free and fast tweet scheduling application – Stock up tweets and have them automatically shared throughout the day.Circular now supports multiple Twitter accounts, and is faster than ever......

13. twiRy

twiRy twiRy is a twitter Web App to search for your or your close friends.twiRy can be used to check that with whom your friends or someone you are interested chat most.The results are shown in a form of ranking. The account names and the tweeted contents will also be shown.......

14. Reach7

Reach7 Reach7 allows companies of all sizes link their global social media pages and translate tweets and posts using crowdsourced professional translators in real time. It makes taking your social media presence globally easy. We connect each of your local social accounts and help you reach the right audience in each......

15. DM Pilot

DM Pilot DM Pilot allows any business or brand to send automated DMs on Twitter to all their new followers most simply and reliably. Additionally, DM Pilot allows users to setup 3 additional follow up DMs, also sent on autopilot, at set intervals (for example, 10 days after someone becomes......