Top 15 Most Popular Color Palette Softwares | Jul 2024

Here are the top 15 most popular color palette softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. ColorImpact

ColorImpact ColorImpact is an interactive color scheme designer that lets you easily create stunning color schemes for any design project. Create, preview and test beautiful color schemes with a few clicks.......

2. Color Name Detector

Color Name Detector Elegant tool for detecting color names. Simply aim your phone's camera at the target object and you will see the name of the color.? 3000+ colors. And more in updates.? Detecting color names in real time.? Colors correction.? Bookmark color.? Share colors.? Search colors by name or HEX value.? iPhone,......

3. Pictaculous

Pictaculous Generate a color palette from PNG, JPG or GIF image/photo. Receive color suggestions, download Photoshop swatches (.ACO)......

4. Colorius

Colorius An useful color picker application. Specially designed for Graphical and Web designers, as well as any profesional that needs to work with colors and their special combinations. Allows you to quickly create a color scheme using the colorimetry rules to provide you with the most accurate palette. See your results......

5. Color Hunter

Color Hunter Color Hunter is a place to find and make color palettes created from images. You can search by tag or hex color code or image URL. If you have an image, you can upload it and get a color palette based on the colors in the image.......

6. gcolor2

gcolor2 gcolor2 is a basic colourpicker utility that allows you to select any colour on your screen, and, well, grab it's colour. It also allows you to save the colour you create to a file, which shows up as a list in the application.......

7. Colllor

Colllor With Colllor it is much easier to generate a consistent color palette with just a few clicks. You should use colors consistently, so you have a common look and feel throughout your design. All the alternative proposals produced by Colllor derive from the same color and they all have a......

8. Coolors

Coolors The super fast color palettes generator.......

9. Color Hunt

Color Hunt Color Hunt is a collection of beautiful, curated color themes that are continually updated.......

10. Save My Palette

Save My Palette With clear, large and accessible icons for options, Save My Palette hugely simplifies the task of creating, saving and sharing new color palettes. Randomly generate a new palette or create one from scratch then share it with a simple web link.Export your colors as CSS, SCSS, Less, Sass, JSON, XML,......

11. ColorSchemer Studio

ColorSchemer Studio ColorSchemer Studio 2 is a professional color matching application for anyone from hobbyists to advanced professionals.Work with a dynamic visual color wheel, instantly explore harmony relationships and even let ColorSchemer Studio intelligently suggest color schemes for you!......

12. Color Cop

Color Cop Color Cop is a multi-purpose color picker for web designers and programmers. It features an eyedropper, magnifier, variable magnification levels, 3 by 3 and 5 by 5 average sampling, snap to websafe, color history, and a 42 color complementary palette. Color Cop will convert RGB decimal values to Hexadecimal color......

13. Color Farm

Color Farm Find fresh color schemes at the daily curated gallery of Color Farm. Simply click an image in the online gallery to get a sleek display of colors composing the image. Click on a color to copy it to your clipboard in either HEX or RGB format depending on your preference......

14. Windows Color Picker Pro

Windows Color Picker Pro Pick single or multiple pixel colors anywhere on your screen in more than 25 formats with advanced and feature-rich color picker! The program supports picking colors from even dynamic content like DirectX.Its built-in color converter lets you convert colors from one color model/space/format to another easily. Color Picker Pro supports:......

15. Color Grabber

Color Grabber The ultimate online tool to extract dominant colors from images using the most advanced clustering algorithms.......