Top 3 Most Popular Contribute Softwares | May 2024

Here are the top 3 most popular contribute softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. Google Sidewiki

Google Sidewiki Comment on ANY website. Contribute helpful information to any web page. Publish helpful information about any web page right in your browser; read insights in context from Sidewiki entries added by others; share Sidewiki entries through Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and Google profiles.......

2. Pull Request Roulette

Pull Request Roulette On this site there is a list of pull requests (or PRs) submitted for review, belonging to open-source projects hosted on Github. Click the PR to open it in a new tab or window. Click Take (when logged in) to commit to reviewing that PR.If for whatever reason you can't......

3. Crowdera

Crowdera Crowdera is a fee-free online fundraising platform for nonprofits and social innovators serving individuals and communities. Crowdera complements nonprofit's existing fundraising activities and helps them to increase their overall funding & impact by offering a user-friendly, fee-free platform to create visually compelling, viral fundraising campaigns that help them build meaningful......