Top 15 Most Popular Discontinued Softwares | Jul 2024

Here are the top 15 most popular discontinued softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. Apps and Oranges

Apps and Oranges Apps & Oranges helps people find and recommend the best apps for getting stuff done. It's social Q&A: Question & Apps.Apps & Oranges aims to answer questions like: What's the best to-do app on the web? and What's the best RSS reader for Android? Once you register and login (via......

2. Burn to the Brim

Burn to the Brim Burn to the Brim is an open-source freeware program designed to make selection of files to optimally fill up an entire CD (or other medium). The program analyses the files and folders in a folder you specify, and groups them in the best possible way. Most likely BTTB will find......

3. Have a slogan!

Have a slogan! Combines commercial slogans with controversial topics......

4. Basic For Qt

Basic For Qt Basic For Qt, KBasic 's successor, is related to VB.NET and Visual Basic and combines the best features of those tools and supports similar syntax, functions, objects and classes. Development tools included: Compiler, IDE, Runtime, Qt DesignerIt is a full featured object-oriented language, which supports the best modern......

5. Evernote Clearly

Evernote Clearly Clearly makes blog posts, articles and webpages clean and easy to read. Save them to Evernote to read them anywhere.......

6. Downloader for X

Downloader for X Downloader for X is a powerful graphical download manager.It supports both HTTP(S) and FTP protocols and has nice graphicaluser interface, though some actions can also be performed usingthe command line. Downloader for X is an analogue for Linux/Unix of such famous applications for Windows as ReGet, Go!Zilla and GetRight.......

7. Smiley Xtra 5

Smiley Xtra 5 Smiley Xtra 5 boldly goes where no smiley has gone before, letting you insert hundreds of thousands of smilies into your forum posts and blogs!......

8. Tweet It In

Tweet It In Save time by compressing Tweets with Tweet It In. It works by automatically abbreviating words, forming contractions, replacing ascii doubles with unicode singles, replacing words with symbols, removing vowels from long words, and shortening urls all as you type in real time! Best of all, Tweet It In connects directly......

9. Buy ebooks from our partner booksellers (for example, Readings Ebooks – ) or upload your own books to create your ebook library in the cloud, then read your books on anything with a modern web browser.......

10. SmallWindows

SmallWindows Exposè (now Mission Control ) functionality on Windows was a bit tricky to develop, but SmallWindows is somewhat successful at it. However, you'll see plenty of glitches during day-to-day use. There should be significantly fewer glitches in newer versions of Windows (Vista, and 7), but I havent really......

11. NotMyIP

NotMyIP WARNING! THIS IS A MALICIOUS SOFTWARE! NotMyIP is a FREE tool that help overcome censorship and browse anonymously by hiding your IP address. It uses only high quality proxies and works with ALL browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, etc). No need for manual configuration or additional plug-ins or add-ons.......

12. myTumblr

myTumblr myTumblr is a cute Tumblr client for Mac OS X and the sexiest way to blog without browser. And the Mac way. We all love Tumblr for its simplicity. And we all use a Mac because of its simplicity and because it does things as expected. Well - that's why......

13. Stonenotes

Stonenotes StoneNotes came about because of our frustration with existing personal wiki programs and knowledge management systems. Theyre bloated and hard to use. They never quite do what you want.StoneNotes is different: it has an intuitive and easy to use rich text editor, and a simple linking system. Drag & drop......

14. HappyFish

HappyFish [Discontinued development: ]HappyFish is an RSS reader that can also download RSS enclosures. An RSS enclosure can be pretty much any kind of file that you can think of from an image to a movie to an application or a software update. Currently the most popular kind......

15. SetupStudio

SetupStudio Setup Studio will install your Windows PC in exactly the same way that you would if you were monitoring the proceedings. However the installation procedure is fully automated and does not require your presence. This is a great time saver, as many installs involve the user simply waiting for the......