Top 11 Most Popular Owncloud Softwares | May 2024

Here are the top 11 most popular owncloud softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. Passwords

Passwords This is a Password Manager for viewing, editing, categorizing and generating passwords in ownCloud. It features both client side and server side encryption (using combined EtM [Encrypt-then-MAC] and MCRYPT_BLOWFISH encryption with user-specific, ownCloud-specific, and database entry-specific data), where only the user who creates the password is able to decrypt and......

2. Cloudu

Cloudu With Cloudu you can manage your own files in one central location. You can access all your documents, videos and music from various devices!The files are secured, the servers are located in Germany.......

3. OwnCube

OwnCube OwnCube is an OwnCloud provider. OwnCube offers a FREE and a Premium Service, where all your photos, videos, documents, music, projects are always available and can be shared with anyone at any time. Not only are your files accessible and easy-to-handle on OwnCube, but you can also administrate, renew, upload......

4. QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes QOwnNotes is the open source plain-text notepad with markdown support and todo-list manager for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, that works together with the notes application of ownCloud . So you are able to write down your thoughts with QOwnNotes and edit or search for them later......

5. cloudlay

cloudlay Cloudlay is a commercial OwnCloud provider......

6. nxCloud

nxCloud nxCloud is a commercial OwnCloud provider......

7. PortKnox

PortKnox PortKnox is a free OwnCloud provider. With PortKnox you can save your data - contacts, pictures, files - in your own Cloud, based on the OpenSource-Project OwnCloud.signup page:

8. Mozilla sync

Mozilla sync Mozilla Sync is a simple ownCloud app integrating the Mozilla Sync API in an ownCloud server. It allows users to synchronize Firefox data (e.g. bookmarks, passwords, history,...) using their ownCloud server. This app is a fork of mjaskurzynski\'s mozilla_sync app, which was not developed anymore.......

9. FeedReader - GTK-Desktop-App

FeedReader - GTK-Desktop-App FeedReader is a modern desktop application designed to complement existing web-based RSS accounts. Currently supported are Tiny Tiny RSS, Feedly, ownCloud News. InoReader will soon be added.......

10. Rockstor

Rockstor Rockstor is a free and open source NAS (Network Attached Storage) operating system. It’s a software solution and can be installed on commodity hardware or a hypervisor satisfying minimum system requirements.......

11. Zaclys ownCloud provider

Zaclys ownCloud provider Zaclys provides easy and secure cloud online storage and synchronization based on the ownCloud free and open-source solution.......