Top 15 Most Popular Personal Homepage Softwares | Jul 2024

Here are the top 15 most popular personal homepage softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. A free personalized homepage and online password manager that allows you to store all of your favorite bookmarks and logins in one safe place......

2. PHP

PHP PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.......

3. IFeedle

IFeedle IFeedle displays a set of RSS feeds as a dashboard. It is dead simple, and requires no install and no signup: just go to and add your feeds. You can also import your IGoogle settings file. You then just need to bookmark the dashboard link, and you're......

4. tilerun

tilerun A more convenient way to get where you want with a custom homepage.......

5. make awesome homepagesthey are simple and was created by: Jacob Bijani and Peter Vidani......

6. Sevego is an easy access to your popular websites from all Browsers.We already put some example of websites. You can change the links using 'Add New Link' button and change their positions by Drag&Drop. Make your homepage, and use as the starting page. No need to Sign up!......

7. Place your favorite link, RSS, weather, notes and a lot of other widgets on your homepage. You will never miss anything out with this homepage.......

8. Damage.IO

Damage.IO Sorry, we have added any description on Damage.IO......

9. Favorites is a fully responsive visual homepage with hi res images to the world's top sites in many categories and top internet countries.......

10. Commerce Sciences

Commerce Sciences Commerce Sciences is backed by Google's chairman Eric Schmidt, working with 1000's of U.S. marketers and delivering conversion uplift of up to 30%.On average, 98% of visitors who enter an online store leave without making any purchase. Our Automated Behavioral Targeting technology detects each visitor's unique behavior based on 40......

11. MyBrowserPage

MyBrowserPage MyBrowserPage is a starterpage with search engine included, suitable as a home page for any web-browser, requires no registration and is free to use, great alternative to the usual homepage with a single search engine, from here you can search with the major search engines, or access to the most......

12. Mywebgrid

Mywebgrid Personalized homepage. Free Online Storage. Clever RSS Reader. Project management software for online collaboration. One page, several tools. No paid software. All for free.......

13. All My Faves

All My Faves If you can’t be bothered with looking for good sites and building a homepage, there is the perfect service for you. Why search? is the essence of AllMyFaves’ philosophy. This visual platform not only directs users to their sought-after information fast but also introduces them to new and exciting sites.......

14. Awesome New Tab Page

Awesome New Tab Page Enhance your Google Chrome New Tab Page with ultimate customizability and power. Awesome, like you.Features: - A New Tab Page with more than just icons; meet dynamic widgets - Move things around to fit your needs. Remove things that don't. - Create custom shortcuts (just like apps) anywhere on......

15. That Startpage Rocks

That Startpage Rocks A startpage that is simple, productive and beautiful. Access your bookmarks easily quickly search for the content you really want with our search engine.It's hard not to make your custom startpage beautiful, due to a modern interface and beautiful, handmade icons. Customize your startpage to make it truly yours, by......