Top 15 Most Popular Privacy Protection Softwares | Jul 2024

Here are the top 15 most popular privacy protection softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. AppLock

AppLock AppLock can lock SMS, contacts, Gmail, Facebook, gallery, market, settings, calls and any app you choose, with abundant options, protecting your privacy.AppLock can hide pictures and videos, AppLock empowers you to control photo and video access. Selected pictures vanish from your photo gallery, and stay locked behind an easy-to-use PIN......

2. Quickhide

Quickhide Allows you to quickly hide everything on your taskbar and minimizes every window when pressing Ctrl on keyboard.......

3. Clean Links

Clean Links This add-on can be used to convert "obfuscated" and/or nested links to genuine/normal plain clean links,Eg: • ? • ? • ? •'' ) ?

4. uBlock

uBlock Enjoy a faster, cleaner web.uBlock enhances your browsing experience, efficiently blocking any clutter and overhead disturbing your experience.Built for performance, uBlock is also potent and effective — from built-in ad-blocking and privacy-protection filter lists and the ability to add your own to advanced Dynamic Filtering.......

5. Permission Manager

Permission Manager Permission Manager allows you to quickly open the hidden App Ops permission screen in Android 4.3 and manage INDIVIDUAL permissions for app.......

6. A plain multiuser memo board with realtime support and client-side AES encryption to ensure your privacy not only on the transport way.......

7. ScareMail

ScareMail ScareMail is a web browser extension that makes email “scary” in order to disrupt NSA surveillance. Extending Google’s Gmail, the work adds to every new email’s signature an algorithmically generated narrative containing a collection of probable NSA search terms. This “story” acts as a trap for NSA programs like PRISM......

8. TrackerScan

TrackerScan TrackerScan shows you what companies may be using or collecting information about your activities and interests as you use different websites, how they promise promise to handle your information and how you can opt-out.With TrackerScan you can monitor privacy while you surf. Click on the eye from any page and......

9. MyPermissions

MyPermissions MyPermissions is a team of people who deeply love the internet. We are passionate about the innovative ideas and platforms that reshape the way we communicate with each other on a global scale.We also believe in protecting user privacy. We respect companies rights to build apps, and monetize those apps,......

10. PrivacyScan

PrivacyScan Securely erase those pesky files that violate your privacy by allowing people to see where you were surfing and what you were doing on your computer. Safely and securely destroy Internet files used for tracking your whereabouts such as cache files, browsing history, cookies, flash cookies and temporary files to......

11. Decentraleyes

Decentraleyes Protects you against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery. It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking. Complements regular content blockers.Websites have increasingly begun to rely much more on large third-parties for content delivery. Canceling requests......

12. Fluxfonts

Fluxfonts A unique privacy tool that thwarts system fingerprinting based on the selection of fonts installed on the system. Generates and cycles through new random fonts several times per hour to ensure the same fingerprint cannot be recreated. Supplementary to other measurements against being globally unique identified.Effective in web browsers, plug-ins,......

13. GPGTools

GPGTools GPGTools is an open source initiative to bring OpenPGP to Apple OS X in the form of an easy installer package. This allows you to sign, verify, encrypt, and decrypt files and e-mails. Read the introduction to get a detailed idea of how PGP works.......

14. blekko

blekko blekko is a search engine that fights spam, preserves your privacy, and uses "slashtags" to refine searches.In many spammed-up categories, for example health searches, blekko has a "slashtag" (vertical search engine) that provides 100% spam free results. You can either add "/health" to your search, or we will often correctly......

15. DisableWinTracking

DisableWinTracking DisableWinTracking - Uses some known methods that attempt to disable tracking in Windows 10. (Telemetry, DiagTrack Log, Services, hosts-file, IP blocking, Windows Defender / WifiSense, OneDrive)......