Top 5 Most Popular Socialmedia Softwares | May 2024

Here are the top 5 most popular socialmedia softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. Blog2Social

Blog2Social Blog2Social auto-posts and auto-schedules blog posts to all popular social networks such as Facebook (profiles, pages), Twitter, Google+ (profiles, pages, groups), LinkedIn (profiles, pages), XING (profiles, pages, groups), Diigo, Delicious, to Tumblr, Medium, Torial for re-publishing, as well as for sharing images on Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest. Blog2Social turns blog......

2. Viralwoot

Viralwoot Viralwoot allows you to automate your Pinterest marketing and improve your brand visibility on Pinterest. Schedule like a pro, promote your pins and measure the results.......

3. MySocialPig

MySocialPig Auto Promote Your Etsy Store with MySocialPig on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Increase your sales and traffic to your Etsy store.......

4. Trunq

Trunq Trunq combines messaging and cloud storage to help transform piles of digital files into a dynamic private digital scrapbook. Users can capture or upload videos, pictures & other digital items with a quick snap. The moments are delivered to Trunqs — private digital shoeboxes of moments maintained on a timeline.......

5. Shortcutz

Shortcutz If you're like us, you probably have an account for every major social channel out there. But with Instagram and Twitter you only get to display one URL on your profile page. Not to mention, recently Instagram has even started to block Snapchat-Add and Telegram URLs...So how to share all......