Top 15 Album Tracker Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Album Tracker automatically scans the song that is playing on your computer then shows you the latest iTunes release from that artist.
Click on the iTunes button or album art to go to the iTunes store for that album. No more struggling to keep up with all your favorite artists.
Album Tracker keeps track of your music for you. Simple yet highly customizable, choose the look that's right for you.

1. BeatHound

BeatHound New releases from the artists you love, straight to your inbox every week.......

2. Song Director

Song Director Song Director is a program to easily organize all your music and audio files on your computer and find, edit and play them in one place for free. It automatically scans your computer looking for music/audio files (MP3, M4a/AAC, iTunes, WMA, WAV, OGG and FLAC files) and builds a searchable......

3. Mashduo

Mashduo Mashduo lets you compare your iTunes music with all of your friends. You just need to drag and drop in you and your friend's iTunes library files, and Mashduo will compare them. You'll get a report of all the songs you two don't share. You can then export to a......

4. Rinse

Rinse Rinse is the smartest way to seamlessly organize and repair your iTunes music library. We’re powered by an intelligent online database which finds what you need without searching or typing.Removes Duplicate Songs in your music collection.Save precious storage space and enjoy an organized collection. Don’t worry if you have misspelled......

5. Flookey

Flookey Flookey is intended to be a revolution for your music. Why? It’s easy, because when we play music in our computer we are the ones who choose the music we like, but this time and thanks to Flookey, that’s going to change.Flookey reads our playlists and songs and suggest us......

6. SoundCatcher

SoundCatcher SoundCatcher makes impossible! This app provides you with the smart technology of instant music recognition. Just tap on S button on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and discover what song is playing around you now. Download and enjoy all the features of SoundCatcher: identify songs, artists and albums;explore more......

7. Waf Music Manager

Waf Music Manager Features:- Designed to manage large music collections.- Powerful search function.- Start right away – no need to index your music collections first.- Edit the metadata of multiple music files at once.- Supports the music formats: MP3, WMA, M4A (AAC), WAV and MP4 (audio only).- Supports the playlist formats: M3U and......

8. iRate Radio

iRate Radio iRATE radio provides users with a powerful new way to find and download free, legal music online. Users rate tracks based on their tastes. The iRATE server then selects other tracks to send to the user from a database of over 50,000 freely downloadable songs by correlating the user's ratings......

9. TidySongs

TidySongs TidySongs is an easy and powerful program that will fix any missing or misspelled song details, add album artwork, remove duplicate songs and organize your music.......

10. Jajuk

Jajuk Jajuk is software that organizes and plays music using Java. It is a full-featured application geared towards advanced users with large or scattered music collections. Using multiple perspectives, the software is designed to be intuitive and provide different ways to perform the same task.......

11. TuneUp Mobile

TuneUp Mobile Identify any song that's playing any time. Automagically! TuneUp Mobile quickly and accurately identifies any song that it "listens to” with the click of a button. TuneUp Mobile also lets you get lyrics, buy songs from iTunes, share your songs to Facebook and Twitter, and so much more!Behind it’s simple......

12. MusicZen

MusicZen MusicZen will help you move your music files from one location to another automatically, and along the way, rename and place your files in a directory structure of your choice. If the file you are trying to move or copy already exists, it will leave the file in its original......

13. Theremin

Theremin Theremin - Undead Mac OS X MPD Client.Theremin is a MPD client for OS X. It allows you to connect to your MPD (Music Player Daemon) on another machine on your network to control the music it's playing. You can also manage playlists, reorganize the songs in your playlist, and......

14. Madsonic

Madsonic Madsonic is a web-based media streamer and jukebox fork of Subsonic . Based on Java technology, Madsonic runs on most platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, OSX, and Unix variants.Use it to connect to your own Remote Streaming Server and listen to your music wherever you go! Songs are......

15. Demlo

Demlo Demlo organizes your music library automatically and dynamically. It runs a chain of user-defined scripts using variables such as tags and file properties. This way it yields virtually unlimited customization power to the user.It is free and open source, powered by Lua and FFmpeg.Features:* Internet tagging (MusicBrainz).* Programmable tagging.* Chainable......