Top 15 Sales Essistant Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

SalesEssistant (SE) is an online platform that allows websites to collect facts about individual users in real-time. This information is often described as customer intent or visitor intent. It avoids the clunky popup model that other providers offer by adding a clean, customisable and unobtrusive ui to the site.

SE allows a site owner to ask focused questions to individual users in order to establish their intent within that session. Using this information they can then offer a tailored experience to the user.

1. Insightware

Insightware Insightware helps you optimize your conversion rates by automatically learning which page variations (in an A/B test sense) perform with different visitor segments, then showing the most suited variation to each visitor.Variations are very easy to create with the visual editor (no coding required). After your snippet is installed on......

2. Zeta Interactive

Zeta Interactive Zeta Interactive is a company with a heritage of innovation and a future of leadership. Founded in 2007 by David A. Steinberg and John Sculley, former CEO of Apple Inc and Pepsi-Cola, the Company has built an unparalleled Big Data marketing platform – with 350 million + consumer records at......

3. Orbtr

Orbtr “Marketing automation” and “lead intelligence” aren’t usually part of a small business owner’s vocabulary. Those tools are generally expensive (ranging from $500-$1000/month or more) and don’t integrate seamlessly with WordPress — the small business web platform of choice. But now there’s ORBTR™, an AFFORDABLE toolkit which: - Works seamlessly with......

4. Reactful

Reactful Reactful converts your website "Maybes" into "Yesses". Maybes are visitors who show high interest, but don’t fulfill your site goals. Using historical and real-time visitor behavioral data, Reactful learns and compares the website journey of similar “Maybe” and “Yes” visitors. Based on these patterns, the system course-corrects the “Maybes” by......

5. Rise Interactive

Rise Interactive Rise Interactive is a full-service digital marketing agency focused on finding innovative ways to keep our clients ahead of the competition. Leave us any comments or questions you may have!Rise Interactive is a digital marketing agency that specializes in traffic generation and web analytics. Rise employs an investment management approach......

6. Envoy

Envoy We’re a full-service advertising and marketing agency. Our clients are leaders in their markets, from payments to packaged goods, financial to pharmaceuticals, healthcare to education. What we hear from these clients is that they like the fact that we are nimble, adaptable and able to immediately respond to their needs.......

7. is an end-to-end web application for business websites to drastically improve the quantity and quality of new inbound inquiries generated from their own websites. The core of is its marketing-driven "Contact Us" application, that drives high conversions on website from visitor-to-lead, and a client-facing Lead Management System, designed......

8. Musketeer

Musketeer Musketeer is an A/B test platform for developers and designers. It helps you to create several different types of tests: random, round-robin and bayesian multi-armed bandit tests. You can decide which type to use per test. See Test types for......

9. Engage Master

Engage Master Convert your website visitors to customers......

10. EarnCoupon

EarnCoupon EarnCoupon uses discounts to stop visitors from leaving your website, and in return get tons of Likes, Shares, Tweets, +1's, etc.......

11. JetWebinar

JetWebinar JetWebinar is the leading webinar marketing automation software on the market today. Our unique platform empowers marketers with the efficiency and ease of use of marketing automation combined with the effectiveness of virtual webinar presentations. A webinar software that has custom capabilities and landing pages. The software is automated not......

12. BrightInfo

BrightInfo BrightInfo doubles your conversion rate using a personalization algorithm that automatically analyzes visitor behaviour and serves highly relevant content to each at suitable points during the natural browsing flow. Each visitor on-site experience is made unique, thus fostering interaction between visitors and brand.The content is served through a unique overlaying......

13. ExitIntent

ExitIntent User acquisition and retention is a major pain point for all startups around the world. Majority of the visitors never return back to your site. Marketers spend thousands of dollars on facebook and google ad campaigns, but most of the visitors from those campaigns don't convert into customers. Exitintent provides......

14. CallidusCloud

CallidusCloud Callidus Software Inc. (NASDAQ:CALD), doing business as CallidusCloud®, is a leading provider of cloud software. CallidusCloud enables organizations to accelerate and maximize their lead to money process with sales and marketing effectiveness cloud software. CallidusCloud maximizes and accelerates sales and marketing processes for over 2000 leading organizations. Small, medium and......

15. OptKit

OptKit OptKit comes with many tools to help marketers, and conversion rate optimization specialists, to convert more traffic into sales.OptKit has enterprise-grade targeting that let’s you serve automated real-time campaigns to different visitor segments. We use smart exit intention technology, fully customizable interfaces, and conversion consultants on staff to boost your......