Top 15 SCM-Manager Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

The easiest way to share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http.
- Very easy installation
- No need to hack configuration files, SCM-Manager is completely configurable from its Web-Interface
- No Apache and no database installation is required
- Central user, group and permission management
- Out of the box support for Git, Mercurial and Subversion
- Full RESTFul Web Service API (JSON and XML)
- Rich User Interface
- Simple Plugin API
- Useful plugins available (f.e. Ldap-, ActiveDirectory-, PAM-Authentication)
- Licensed under the BSD-License ...

1. GitList

GitList GitList allows you to browse repositories using your favorite browser, viewing files under different revisions, commit history and diffs. GitList is free and open source software, written in PHP, on top of Silex and the Twig template engine.......

2. Gitolite

Gitolite Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with fine-grained access control and many more powerful features.......

3. Unfuddle

Unfuddle Experience the simplicity of Unfuddle that allows you to build software faster. Unfuddle’s painfully obvious approach to project management means you and your team will be up and running just as fast as creating your account.Unfuddle is a secure, hosted software development environment providing Git hosting, Subversion hosting, bug and......

4. klaus

klaus The first Git web viewer that Just Works™.......

5. Gitweb

Gitweb Gitweb is a Git web interface. It is written in Perl and can be used as a CGI script, or as a mod_perl legacy script (run by ModPerl::Registry handler). It allows browsing a git repository (or a set of git repositories) using a web browser.Using gitweb you can......

6. Gitblit

Gitblit Gitblit is an open-source, pure Java stack for managing, viewing, and serving Git repositories.It's designed primarily as a tool for small workgroups who want to host centralized repositories.......

7. GitTorrent

GitTorrent A decentralization of GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin.......

8. Ungit

Ungit Web-based and intuitive UI for git.......

9. GitX

GitX A gitk clone for OS XGit is a popular Distributed Version Control System originally created by Linus Torvalds to coordinate work on the Linux kernel.GitX is a gitk like clone written specifically for OS X Leopard and higher. This means that it has a native interface and tries to integrate......

10. git-gui

git-gui Is a tool for creating commits and managing branches. It was inspired by and initially based on gitool. Written in Tcl/Tk. Stable versions are shipped with Core Git since version 1.5.......

11. git-webui

git-webui A standalone local web based user interface for git repositoriesIt comes with history and tree browsing. You may also use it to commit as it comes with an UI to review local changes and the ability to stage / unstage code.......

12. CodePlex

CodePlex CodePlex is Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. Start a new project, join an existing one, or download software created by the community.......

13. RocketGit

RocketGit Light and fast Git hosting solution under Affero GPL v3 license.......

14. Gogs (Go Git Service)

Gogs (Go Git Service) The easiest, fastest and most painless self-hosted Git Service written in Go. Done as an independent binary distribution across ALL platforms that Go supports, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows......

15. Gitbox

Gitbox Graphical git client for MacOS X. Git is a distributed version control system. See Git......