Top 15 SlideShare Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

SlideShare is the best way to share presentations, documents and professional videos. SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations.

SlideShare is a business media site for sharing presentations, documents and pdfs. SlideShare features a vibrant professional community that regularly comments, favorites and downloads content. Content also spreads virally through blogs and social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter. Individuals & organizations upload documents to SlideShare to share ideas, connect with others , and generate leads for their businesses. Anyone can view presentations & documents on topics that interest them. The site is growing rapidly with over 25 million monthly visitors. ...

1. FlexPaper

FlexPaper FlexPaper is an open source web based document viewer. It displays documents in your favorite browser using Flash and HTML5.......

2. Vuzit

Vuzit Vuzit is an online document distribution platform for securely publishing documents in a web browser using AJAX technology. The Vuzit Viewer is free for limited use, and commercially available for integration within other products or services.Vuzit is a software company in Philadelphia, PA that is addressing the need for a......

3. is a repository of great HTML presentations. It indexes HTML presentations hosted on github.If you want to add yours, just push it on github but don't forget to make a Github Page. Our bot will do the rest.......

4. Qwilr

Qwilr Qwilr will revolutionise the way your business creates and shares documents on the web, allowing you to replace traditional documents (digital representations of static physical documents) with powerful and interactive webpages that look great on any device. This in turn offers you access to analytics and other helpful tools when......

5. SlideOnline

SlideOnline SlideOnline lets upload and share PowerPoint and PDF presentations online making easier to embed the presentations in websites, blogs and social networks. Currently it supports Adobe PDF and PowerPoint (.ppt, pptx) presentation format.......

6. Slidebean

Slidebean Making a professional slide presentation requires time and design skills that many users lack. Slidebean's presentation software separates content from design, allowing you to focus on what matters most. Then, it takes care of the formatting automatically.In other words, all you do is add your content, and Slidebean converts it......

7. Lumo

Lumo Lumo is a dynamic online presentation service that allows you to create, publish and share your presentations.Lumo thinks beyond the slide platform. We have created a presentation service that allows you to pan and zoom in a scene instead of using slides so you can take you audience on a......

8. Speaker Deck

Speaker Deck Speaker Deck is the best way to share presentations online. Simply upload your slides as a PDF, and we’ll turn them into a beautiful online experience. View them on, or share them on any website with an embed code.......

9. Salespatron

Salespatron We're essentially building a sales enablement product using which:a) Sales reps have access to the latest collaterals they need for selling and get to know their most engaged clients, who to follow-up with and when.b) Managers get an inside view on which sales reps are most active/giving best results and......

10. IQ Polls

IQ Polls IQ Polls is a live web based audience response service. Interact with your audience during conferences, seminars and trainings. Simply add polls to your presentation, publish them and get feedback in real time.......

11. slidecorner

slidecorner SlideCorner is a place especially for sharing slides. It is mainly focussed on providing premium content slides for students and professionals. Looking back, two young minds started out this project as a hobby an year ago. It was previously named '' And now, it has grown into a store of......

12. Qwiki

Qwiki Qwiki is a SoHo-based technology company pioneering a new media format. First, we turned information into an experience with the release of and the Qwiki iPad App, turning millions of popular topics into interactive, information experiences. We recently released a publishing platform, the Qwiki Creator, that enables......

13. Slides Presentation Framework

Slides Presentation Framework JavaScript - HTML Presentation frameworkCommon open source code :

14. Docs Online Viewer

Docs Online Viewer Open any file on the web. Supports almost all major file and document formats. Fast, easy to use, lightweight, and free.......

15. SlideRocket

SlideRocket SlideRocket is a revolutionary new approach to business communications designed from the start to help you make great presentations that engage your audience and deliver tangible results.......