Top 15 Answers Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Answers is the place to go to ask questions and receive answers from the community at large on any topic.

Connect with people who know the answers to your questions whether through formal education or life experiences.

-Ask a question in one of the many categories
-Vote for the best answers
-Mark questions as interesting and see the most popular questions
-Browse random questions
-Answer recently asked questions

1. Super User

Super User Super User, part of Stack Exchange , is a Q&A site for computer enthusiasts that's free. Free to ask questions, free to answer questions, free to read, free to index, built with plain old HTML, no fake rot13 text on the home page, no scammy google-cloaking tactics, no......

2. Askville

Askville Amazon's Askville is a community where people love helping others by answering questions.......

3. YaNoIt

YaNoIt Do you have a burning ya/no question to which you would like to instantly know the world's opinion? Are you interested in what other people are wondering right now? Create instant opinion polls and get instant results from around the world.......

4. Quora

Quora is a question/answer service allowing users to pose questions that other users can answer, each question and answer can have comments, each users can write one individual answer and there can be a summary answer.Each user can choose a description explaining their area of expertise or questions and answers......

5. Fluther

Fluther Question and answer service based on user profiles and a user score.Questions can be answered via the web page or via IM integration.......

6. Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 84 [and counting] question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming. We are an expert knowledge exchange: a place where physics researchers can ask each other about quantum entanglement, computer programmers can ask about JavaScript......

7. LampCMS

LampCMS LampCMS is an full-featured Open Source Question and Answers web program written in PHP with deep integration with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linked-IN, Tumblr and Blogger APIsIt uses MongoDB as a database to achieve speed and scalability.......

8. IFixit

IFixit Repair your Mac or iPod yourself. iFixit sells parts and upgrades for your iPod, PowerBook, iBook, or MacBook with free Fixit Guides.Free step-by-step repair guides created by ifixit or community members. Guides contain high resolution photographs and are licensed under Creative Commons terms.Large collection of user generated questions and answers......

9. An obvious clone of ( ), offers creating a profile URL that can be addressed by others users with questions. If the settings allow this, questions can be asked anonymously, otherwise only questions that include the name are allowed.Questions that have recently been answered are......

10. Verbot

Verbot Verbots are automated agents or chatterbots you can interact with using Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing.......

11. Kn-X

Kn-X Kn-X enables the exchange of useful, bluntly honest information between anonymous participants.Historically, it has been difficult for an information seller to convince a buyer of the (1) usefulness and (2) accuracy of the information without actually providing the information ... at which point the seller is no longer able to......

12. Apps and Oranges

Apps and Oranges Apps & Oranges helps people find and recommend the best apps for getting stuff done. It's social Q&A: Question & Apps.Apps & Oranges aims to answer questions like: What's the best to-do app on the web? and What's the best RSS reader for Android? Once you register and login (via......

13. Aardvark

Aardvark Ask questions, get *live* answers from your network! Aardvark finds the perfect person to answer any question in real-time.......

14. Polar Polls

Polar Polls Instant Opinions & EngagementPolar polls dramatically increase contributors, time spent, and more on Web sites and mobile apps.......

15. VTNE

VTNE Do you want to check your level of knowledge for the (VTNE) Veterinary Technician National Examination? If yes, then you should try VTNE app. It's quick and easy to use. Our test questions will be an essential study tool for those who are taking their VTNE exams in the near......