Top 15 RSSdose Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Your daily dose of syndicated stories.

Read as you are used to: our interface provides easy to remember shortcuts. If you have been using Google Reader you are set up!

Import all your feeds and starred stories: you don't have to worry about any limitations, you can have as many subscriptions as you need to. Also, we will import all your starred stories.

RSSdose on Android is still in development.

1. Kouio

Kouio Kouio is a an online RSS reader, inspired by Google Reader . Features: One-click Google Reader import Unlimited feeds Single / dual column reading modes Favourite / starred items Mark as read / unread Folders RESTful API OPML import/export......

2. BazQux Reader

BazQux Reader BazQux Reader is a very fast RSS feed reader with simple and clean user interface.It shows comments to posts, able to retrieve full article text, have several view modes, search, can subscribe to FB/G+/Twitter pages and have sharing and bookmarking to popular services.It's a commercial service with a 30 days......

3. ownreader

ownreader ownreader is a rss feed aggregator trying to be the best Google Reader replacement. WHAT IT DOES it is the most efficient RSS reader available offers you features you really need to stay informed imports your settings from your Google TakeoutWHAT IT NOT DOES does not steal your......

4. SilverReader

SilverReader A simple but powerful RSS news reader.It’s free and always will beWe have a well established business model.You will always have option to choose between a free and paid model. FormatsUnlike most of the competitors we support all formats and popular extensions.RDF : 0.90, 1.0, 1.1RSS : 0.91, 0.92 -......

5. Readuction

Readuction Readuction is the intelligent, adaptive feed reader.It's free to try and you'll be up and reading in momentsSmartReaduction learns what types of content you like so it can exclude things you don't.EasyImport your Google Reader RSS/Atom feeds and try it out.Mobile-friendlyLooks good on desktop and mobile.Free during betaNo credit card......

6. Hoob Reader

Hoob Reader Hoob Reader is a news aggregator (also known as RSS Reader). Read, share, favorite. Import your feeds from Google Reader or via an OPML file and try Hoob Reader today!......

7. Go Read

Go Read Go Read is a web-based RSS reader. It is designed to be as useful as Google Reader . Built by Matt Jibson. Runs on Google App Engine. Powered by Go and AngularJS. Code on GitHub.......

8. OneReadr is a RSS reader for all your favorite social activities, blogs and articles. Save all your popular activity feeds and stay up to date with the most current content. Browse through thousands of popular sites to subscribe easy and quick. View your information the way you want to and......

9. Dayspring

Dayspring Dayspring is an RSS feed reader for the Mac, with support for and Fever .......

10. newsrdr

newsrdr newsrdr is a Web based RSS/Atom news reader that allows you to follow the latest news from your favorite websites in one place.......

11. Orbital Feed Reader

Orbital Feed Reader Read where you write! Bring your feed reader into the wordpress admin. You can blog directly from Orbital and publish to your WordPress site.......

12. Simple RSS Reader

Simple RSS Reader Simple RSS Reader is an alternative to Google Reader featuring an identical layout that functions and behaves exactly like the discontinued Google product, including it's much-loved Star capability. The web based RSS reader allows reading, starring, and searching within a clean interface with no ads. Includes an option......

13. KrISS feed

KrISS feed KrISS feed is a simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader.To see an online example: Feel free to contribute:

14. FreshRSS

FreshRSS FreshRSS is a free, self-hosted RSS aggregator. It is quite lightweight, fast (it can manage +100k articles without complaining) and powerful (e.g. shortcuts, filters, responsive design, multi-views, multi-themes, multi-users, statistics, provides a Google Reader API, etc.)It is able to import feeds from OPML files and / or JSON files generated......

15. SlickReader

SlickReader Slickreader is a personal news reader that brings together people to talk about the world. News reading: With first-class iOS, Android, and web apps, Slickreader is an easy and organized way to read the news wherever you are. Training: By using Slickreader's training filters, you can hide stories you......