Top 15 LunaSolCal Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Calculate times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset for your location at any date.

1. Digital Photo Calculator

Digital Photo Calculator Digital Photo Calculator for iPhone calculates sensor resolution in lp/mm, diffraction limit, Dmax and Dmin values from Lab measurements, DOF and hyperfocal distance optimized for given sensor size and resolution, converts between RGB and Lab color spaces and provides interactive tool to calculate sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, daylight hours, dusk,......

2. Suncalc

Suncalc A little online application with interactive map that shows sun movement and sunlight phases during the given day at the given location.......

3. Heavens Above

Heavens Above Website for tracking Satellites, Space ships and other space objects. Additionally show start charts and sun and moon positions.......

4. Timezone Guide

Timezone Guide Sorry, we have added any description on Timezone Guide......

5. LightBulb

LightBulb LightBulb - Background application that adjusts screen gamma as the day goes, reducing blue light when it gets late......

6. SunGuide

SunGuide SunGuide provides a quick view of this week's solar events.The application provides times for sunrise, sunset, and twilight start/end instantly. Unlike other similar apps, an Internet connection is never required.SunGuide uses CoreLocation to determine your latitude and longitude for its calculations, though it is optional. Alternatively, you can set a......

7. Brilliance

Brilliance Brilliance brings the outside world into your home through Philips Hue lights. Set your location, choose what kind of lighting you want: sunlight, weather-based, urban lighting, northern lights, and more, set a schedule to turn the lights on and off, then sit back and enjoy your lights without having to......

8. MagicHour

MagicHour MagicHour™ (formerly named VelaClock™) is a world clock with unique features and an easily configurable user interface. Users can quickly display the time of sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk for three kinds of twilight (civil, nautical, astronomical), moon phase and tilt, and much more.......

9. LeafletDesktop

LeafletDesktop Maps from HTML are automatically saved to your Mac's desktop picture! Customising is easy, thanks to Leaflet. Add your own time zone labels or country boundaries!......

10. Sol: Sun Clock

Sol: Sun Clock Get reminded when it's sunrise or sunset, wherever you travel! Great for photographers-- find the golden hour times on any date, anywhere......

11. Sun Surveyor

Sun Surveyor Sun Surveyor calculates Sun and Moon Positions, Sunrise & Sunset and Moonrise & Moonset times, Solar Noon, Golden Hour and Blue Hour times, Moon Phases, Shadow Ratios and many other pieces of related information. A 3D Compass, Augmented Reality View and Interactive Map enable use as a visualizer, tracker and......

12. The Photographer's Ephemeris

The Photographer's Ephemeris A great tool for Desktop, Android, or iOS photographers. Actually, anyone that wants to know where the sun will rise or set on any given day, from anyplace. You can aslo see Moonrise and Moonset.The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE) helps you plan outdoor photography in natural light, especially landscape and urban......

13. TerraTime

TerraTime TerraTime provides an amazing, interactive, real-time virtual Earth. Its globes and maps use current satellite imagery to simulate day/night, clouds, seasons, sun & moon; clock shows rise, set, twilight, & transit times for sun & moon. TerraTime features:· Real-time simulations include clouds, city lights, sea ice, and more, generated from......

14. Sundroid

Sundroid Sundroid calculates sunrise, sunset, twilights, golden hours, length of day, the path of the sun and moon, moonrise & moonset times and more for any date, anywhere in the world. Handy for astronomy, photography, outdoor activities, planning gardens, holidays, hunting, and more. Four widgets are included so the information is......

15. EarthDesk

EarthDesk Xeric Design, Ltd. is a leader in global time and mapping software. Its flagship product, EarthDesk, for both Macintosh and Windows, is enjoyed by users in more than 140 countries......