Top 15 WeBlock Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Weblock allows you to block online content. It can block ads (banners, popups on websites and in other apps), statistics, user tracking, scripts or images. It also allows you to block specific websites, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, social widgets from websites or get rid of annoying Tapatalk popups. You can even define your own content filters. Using Weblock you can block basically any network resource

1. Camino

Camino Camino (Spanish for way/path/road) is a free, open source, GUI-based Web browser based on Mozilla's Gecko layout engine and specifically designed for the Mac OS X operating system. In place of an XUL-based user interface used by most Mozilla-based applications, Camino uses Mac-native Cocoa APIs, although it does not use......

2. SlimBoat

SlimBoat SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of......

3. BlockBear

BlockBear BlockBear is a really simple, often adorable app that blocks ads and protects your privacy from within Safari. FEATURES- Blocks ads (popups, text ads, banners) and removes website clutter- Loads many websites 3-5x faster saving time and bandwidth- Protects your privacy from widespread online tracking (cookies, beacons, scripts, etc)- Lets......

4. 1Blocker

1Blocker 1Blocker makes it easy to block ads and tracking scripts by just flipping a switch. It is time to stop ad networks and analytics providers build deep profiles about you across the web.......

5. Purify Blocker

Purify Blocker Browse in Peace™ with the simplest, fastest premium native blocker for Safari on iOS. No ads, no tracking. Purify works seamlessly with Safari — right out of the box.......

6. BlockParty

BlockParty BlockParty - Safari Content Blocker App for iOS 9 and OSX.- Currently blocks content from annoying ad networks on all sites thereby loading pages super fast.- Useful for data-capped, international roaming connections.- Blocking rules are at RediffBlock/blockerList.json.- View JSON in app.......

7. Crystal - Ad Blocker

Crystal - Ad Blocker Crystal is a content blocker for iPhone & iPad designed to make the mobile web a great experience.It blocks Adverts, User Tracking and improves speed, data use and battery life of your device as a result.Crystal installs directly into Safari, so you don't have to change any your browsing habits.......

8. Blockr

Blockr Blockr is an advanced content blocker for Safari in iOS 9.With Blockr you can block the web content that annoyed you for a while. Blockr is an ad blocker, privacy protector, media blocker, it hides social buttons and blocks cookies and cookie warnings.......

9. Adamant

Adamant Adamant is a content blocker for Safari and iOS 9 that removes distracting advertising, trackers, and other unwanted elements from web pages. It makes pages load faster, uses less data on your cellular connection, and saves your battery life.The main features of Adamant is: - Save on your mobile data......

10. Ad Muncher

Ad Muncher Ad Muncher is a powerful advert and popup blocking system for all browsers and advert-displaying programs like Pando, SopCast, ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, Grokster, Opera, PalTalk, iMesh, Bearshare, LimeWire, TVAnts.Ad Muncher can be configured to block anything that annoys Music and sound; Colorful scroll bars; Self-bookmarking; Automatic page reloading; Customized bookmark......

11. CatBlock

CatBlock In 2014, Michael Gundlach (the creator of the AdBlock extension) discontinued his pay-monthly "CatBlock" extension, that let users replace ads online with cats (or any other image from Flickr).As he open-sourced the code, a few contributors to the project decided to fork the code and continue maintenance of......

12. Privoxy

Privoxy Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both......

13. Avant Browser

Avant Browser Avant Browser's user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Features TRI-CORE rendering engines: IE, Firefox & Chrome enginesCompatible with IE8,9,10,11Multi-ProcessingLowest Memory Usage Web BrowserVideo SnifferDownload AcceleratorSplit ViewDetached Always on Top Browser WindowAero Glass UIPrivate BrowsingAnti-FreezingFast,......

14. Untangle

Untangle Untangle is a platform for deploying network based applications. The platform unites these applications around a common GUI, database and reporting. Applications on the Untangle platform inspect network traffic simultaneously, which greatly reduces the resource requirements of each individual application. Untangle can act as a complete unified threat management (UTM)......

15. Artica Proxy

Artica Proxy Artica Proxy is an appliance that claim to manage Squid-cache proxy with all features that Squid Cache provides.With the Artica Web interface you can monitor, manage get statistics of your proxy service.Artica Proxy provides ISOs in order to build a full proxy appliance without any technical skills.Artica Proxy allows to......