Top 15 Alternative and Similar Softwares | Apr 2024 exists because sometimes it take years to raise important personal issues. You could be at breaking point, carrying a burden, or even suffering political oppression. We don’t mind, we just want you to talk before the problem consumes you.

We are unique, you will not find any advertisements nor do we profit from the user in any other way. In fact, we would prefer to maintain complete anonymity, maintaining a safe, secure and anonymous atmosphere for anyone who may wish to share their story. To contribute to the community you do not need to sign up, there is no universal account and no need to share an email address. There is no need for verification, no need for approval and all contributions are added without judgement or prejudice. ...

1. Post Secrets

Post Secrets Post Secrets is a place where you can feel comfortable sharing your deepest, darkest secrets with the world, anonymously...We encourage you to be creative and artistic in sharing your secrets with all of us.Free yourself! Share your secrets with the world!......

2. Noiys

Noiys The anti-social network. Post a note anonymously. It's viewed by many, then deleted after 24 hours.......

3. DailySmile

DailySmile DailySmile is an anonymous diary. The users can share with the world how was their day without worrying about their identity. They can speak about their feelings, their daily concerns, their deepest fears and desires, speak about anything they want. At DailySmile we really value simplicity, the user just need......

4. iGossips

iGossips iGossips is a Gossips Social Network. iGossips enables you to Read, Tag & Share Gossips Anonymously with everyone who's around. Features : + Share News, Jokes and Gossips Anonymously. + Share Gossips on anyone; TV Stars, Friends, Teachers etc. + Read all Jokes, News and Gossips that were shared around you. + Tag Gossips. + Visit......


ZWOOKY ZWOOKY is a messaging app that puts anonymity first. You don’t need to install an app, but you can. All you need is a browser capable of HTML5, which is supported by almost all systems. ZWOOKY can be used to contact people anonymous, but it can also be used to......

6. NortelloApp

NortelloApp NortelloApp is a social media mobile application that is available on both platforms (iOS and Android). The aim of NortelloApp is to; allow users to gather unbiased results. This target is met using the following feature:In NortelloApp the user can post a picture and choose from the following list of......

7. Anything

Anything Anything Is a chatting application where people can say practically anything, share images, and links. You can also chat with other users privately.......

8. Yamster!

Yamster! Yamster! is an open source desktop client and data mining tool for Yammer , a popular private social network for businesses. Yamster empowers you to:- Save time by rapidly navigating discussions- Download complete archives of Yammer groups for offline browsing- Use advanced search criteria to find interesting historical......

9. twitcasting

twitcasting TwitCasting, a service that lets you stream and broadcast live videos with your Twitter or Facebook account.......

10. DataSift

DataSift Datasift partners with social networks and news providers to consolidate billions of social conversations into a single platform, providing you complete and compliant access to social data.......

11. Smartcasual

Smartcasual Smartcasual makes business networking easy and convenient. Find professionals around you that are available for a meeting in the next 3 days. Make yourself available and create an opportunity for people to meet you too."It only took me a few seconds to close the appointment as I received a notification......

12. TurboIRC

TurboIRC An advanced and featured IRC client available for Windows and iOS.......

13. Swayy

Swayy The fastest, easiest and most fun way to get instant opinions on your toughest decisions.......

14. Sermo

Sermo It's the place to talk about real world medicine.It’s the virtual doctor’s lounge.It's the meeting of medical minds and hearts.It’s the voice of physicians.......

15. SwarmLocal

SwarmLocal There are always individuals around you who are probably interested in the same thing as you. How do you reach out to them?Enter SwarmLocal.The only app that lets you become the Hotspot!MobilitySwarmLocal offers the fantastic opportunity to form create mobile swarms. When you create a mobile swarm, the swarm’s location......