Top 15 Mesk Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024


Formats supported: mp3, ogg vorbis. (Thanks to GStreamer, other formats may work but are not yet officially supported.)
The basics: play, pause, stop, next, and previous audio tracks.
CD audio support for all your CD drives. Album information is fetched from freeDB.
HTTP support, including basic authentication.
Supported playlist formats: XSPF (spiff) (the default), M3U, PLS.
Support for multiple playlists with the ability to cut/copy/paste between them.
Individual tracks can be queued, or reordered with drag-and-drop.
Files can be added using drag-and-drop from other applications (e.g., file manager or web browser links).
Playlists can be searched; press CTRL+F or '/'
Playlist modes shuffle and repeat.
Playlists can be set read-only.
Playlist state is automatically saved.
Playlists can be exported to any of the supported formats.
User Interface:
System tray icon with menu support for most major audio operations.
The application and UI can be controlled remotely from the command line or other applications using the per-session DBus interface.
Album cover art and song information for the currently playing track is displayed.
The user interface supports both normal and compact mode.
The audioscrobbler plugin will submit the songs you play to enabling charts and statistics like this.
For users of the Jabber/XMPP client Gajim, the gajimstatus plugin will update your IM status with the currently playing song information.
The albumart plugin will download missing album covers from

1. Gimmix

Gimmix Features: * Simple and clean interface. * Compact and full view modes. * Library Browser. * Library Search (Search by Artist, Album, Filename etc) * Playlist management (manage mpd playlists) * Album cover art support from * Lyrics support from * ID3v2 Tag editing support. * Support for......

2. Abraca

Abraca Abraca is a GTK client for the XMMS2 music player which makes managing your music a breeze.......

3. Music Player Daemon

Music Player Daemon Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. Through plugins and libraries it can play a variety of sound files while being controlled by its network protocol.......

4. Ario

Ario Ario is a MPD (Music Player Daemon) client with an interface similar to the Rhythmbox one.......

5. ncmpc

ncmpc Features:full Unicode and wide character supportmusic database browser, database search, media libraryaudio output configurationlyricsLIRC supportcustomizable key bindings and colorstiny memory footprint, smaller than any other interactive MPD clientplaylist editor......

6. mpc

mpc A minimalist command line interface to MPD.......

7. DeaDBeeF

DeaDBeeF DeaDBeeF is a lightweight graphical music player created for easy playback of music and management of playlists. It supports major audio codecs and tags, global hotkeys, gapless playback, streaming audio, command line control, and has an 18-band equalizer. For the full list of features, please check the official website.......

8. Stingray Music

Stingray Music Curated by music experts around the World.Broadcast on your TV, streamed online and accessible from your mobile.No ads, no talk. Just great music.Stingray MusicThe best music for every moment, place and mood in your life! Expertly curated music available on TV, Web and mobile. No ads, no talk, just great......

9. Music player

Music player Key features:-1.Powerful search Engine.2.Awesome Material design.3.From External storage songs are stored in the list.4.Song is sort by A-Z or Z-A.5.Unique Feature is the Equalizer it includes Fix Booster and different dance styles like Hip-Hop, Rock and Heavy Metal.6.Accent Color is strong feature in settings (Ex. Yellow or any favorite color......

10. Ecoute

Ecoute [Free fo Mac, $2.99 for iPhone] Ecoute is a standalone player based on your iTunes library. Fetch you Music, Movies, TV Shows and Podcasts!Stay connected with your friends and share your music tastes using, Twitter and Facebook.Ecoute can fit your needs. The user interface works from one column up......

11. Shuffle Medley Maker

Shuffle Medley Maker This is a simple Medley Maker.Just select a music file in your SD card and it will automatically play's nice shuffled medley with crossfade.It's like automatic DJ.You can select a music by menu button (directory button). It will load music files automatically when application starts.Supported music formats are mp3, m4a,......

12. Soundboard

Soundboard Like the cart machines from broadcast radio days, Soundboard provides a quick way to enhance your podcasts or broadcasts with sound clips, effects, or musical accompaniment.Soundboard lets you create libraries of your favorite audio clips, all instantly available by tapping hot keys on your Macs keyboard. Drag in any Mac......

13. Dopamine

Dopamine Dopamine is an audio player which tries to make organizing and listening to music as simple and pretty as possible. It can play wav, mp3, ogg vorbis, flac, wma and m4a/aac.......

14. Soundifya - Music Player & Audio Tagger

Soundifya - Music Player & Audio Tagger Soundifya Music Player and Audio Tagger.? No.1 'Top New Free' app in Music & Audio on Play Store (India) and also trending on No.1.Soundifya is a powerful music player with features like Audio Tag editor and Album art grabber that is purely based on Material Design. It is the very......

15. Tradiio Music

Tradiio Music Sreaming services like Spotify and Deezer are great when you know what you want to listen to, but despite offering charts and other discovery features, they’re not so good when it comes to surfacing new artists.Tradiio is a rewards based music discovery appListen and virtually invest in the best new......