Top 15 IziSEO Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

IziSEO is a simple desktop SEO spider that can crawl your web site like a search engine and quickly spot potential and critical issues with your web site, such as:
- broken links;
- missing images, CSS, JavaScript and form action links;
- low keyword density;
- external links without nofollow;
- pages that load too slowly;
- duplicate Titles and Meta Description.
- pages with duplicate content.

Such problems are added to a To-Do list for easy browsing.

1. Easily create HTML, RSS and XML Sitemaps online for free. Compatible with major search engines including Google and Bing. Sitemaps tell search engines when and how often pages are updated, and their relative importance.......

2. Visual SEO Studio

Visual SEO Studio Presenting Visual SEO Studio, a desktop SEO Software with an innovative visual approach to Search Engine Optimization. Free version available. Complex SEO tasks made easy.......

3. DRKSpiderJava

DRKSpiderJava DRKSpider is an open source website crawler (sitemap generator) and link checker. Features:Generates a website tree matching site's navigation hierarchy.Sitemap exporter for search engine optimization: generate sitemaps for Google, Yahoo and other engines.Detailed information about every link found.Several scan limit options.Site scan results window.Export command allows to export to......

4. PowerMapper

PowerMapper Create visual HTML site maps and XML sitemaps for search engines of any web site quickly and easily. Try now - free online trial. PowerMapper is an automatic site map creation tool for information architects, usability analysts and web developers. It is used in 43 countries, by 30% of the......

5. phpSitemapNG

phpSitemapNG phpSitemapNG is a free Google Sitemaps generator written in PHP, but also generates RSS-based, txt-based and HTML-based sitemap files. It will spider your website and also your filesystem (of course, as you prefer). You can download and use it for free, the licence is GPL.......

6. DYNO Mapper

DYNO Mapper Create Sitemaps with the DYNO Mapper Visual Sitemap Generator. You can perform a Content Audit and display your Content Inventory along side Google Analytics for an easy Content Inventory Analysis and Content Strategy.......

7. GSiteCrawler

GSiteCrawler GSiteCrawler aka Google Sitemap Generator for Windows generates a Google Sitemap file for your website.......

8. - XML Sitemap Generator - XML Sitemap Generator XML Sitemap Generator - generates Google sitemaps online for freeFeatures:- Generates sitemap.xml files online for free,- Includes Google / XML sitemap Validator,- Reports broken links - complementary, at no charge,- Easy to use. No need to register / sign-up,- Supports all popular CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc,- Handles well......

9. Link checker BrokenLinkCheck

Link checker BrokenLinkCheck Thanks to this Free Broken Link Checker / Online Dead Link Finder - detecting and fixing link problems has finally been made easy!This tool not just tells you which of your hyperlinks are dead but it will also show to your where exactly those stale references locate in your HTML......

10. Site Visualizer Professional

Site Visualizer Professional Site Visualizer is a website crawling tool that visualizes a website's structure and shows a site as a set of pages and their outbound and inbound links. The crawler gathers all SEO-related parameters of every URL within a site. The data can be presented in tabular form, and also as......

11. SEO Tools Centre

SEO Tools Centre SEO Tools Centre is the bundled the collection of best SEO tools for the webmaster to detect and fix SEO errors. Our mission is to provide 100% free and safe SEO tools and ideas to the webmasters to detect and solve SEO errors and mistakes.Products of SEO Tools Centre(Best Free)......

12. WriteMaps

WriteMaps WriteMaps is a web application that allows you to create, edit, and share your sitemaps online.......

13. Deepcrawl

Deepcrawl DeepCrawl is the world's most comprehensive website crawler. Analyse your website architecture to understand and monitor technical issues to improve SEO performance.......

14. BacklinksXRay

BacklinksXRay BacklinksXRay provides SEO professionals & Webmasters an All-In-One Backlinks Analysis, Detox and monitoring solution.BacklinksXRay was created with Simplicity and Flexibility in mind - so that beginners will find the basic functionality easy enough to understand and use while the professional SEO will find BacklinksXRay an invaluable SEO Swiss Army Knife......

15. PhearJS

PhearJS PhearJS renders dynamic webpages using PhantomJS: fetch a page, render it and return a pretty JSON object. PhearJS is offered as a hosted API as well as an open source solution that you can host yourself.Many websites rely on Javascript for data via AJAX and front-end rendering. When a machine......