Top 15 focus.exe Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Did you ever got kicked out of your favorite game, video player or productivity app for an unknown reason? It was active, in the foreground, and suddenly got minimized?

The problem is easily solved if the culprit is an app that displays itself when this happens. But if only the desktop shows, without anything suspicious on it, then how to find the app causing this? I googled for some time and didn't find anything satisfying. So I decided to write my own tool.

1. Window Focus Logger

Window Focus Logger In situations when it is not clear which application steals the window focus, this utility will tell you exactly which application is responsible for stealing the window focus. It also tells you if it’s an offscreen window and if the window has keyboard focus. All window focus events are written......

2. Nagios Log Server

Nagios Log Server Nagios Log Server is a powerful enterprise-class log monitoring and management application that allows organizations to quickly and easily view, sort, and configure logs from any source on any given network. Log Server is designed to analyze, collect, and store log data based on custom specifications, and provide users with......

3. Seq

Seq Seq is a self-hosted (installable) web application that collects log events from .NET apps. By focusing on structured events like those from Serilog and the Semantic Logging Application Block (SLAB), Seq makes it easy to navigate complex logs. This makes it ideal for teams building distributed (e.g. messaging-based), hybrid, and......

4. AppDynamics

AppDynamics The AppDynamics platform gives today’s software-defined businesses the ability to analyze and optimize digital business performance in real time.......

5. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)

Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable & affordable message queuing service. Use SQS to transmit data without losing messages.Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, fully managed message queuing service. SQS makes it simple and cost-effective to decouple the components of a cloud......

6. JSLogger

JSLogger Log Javascript errors and events in the cloud. We store your logs for you safely in our cloud so you don't have to worry about big data storage and unuseful server requests.......

7. XpoLog

XpoLog XpoLog is a log analysis and management platform with super fast index and search, problems analysis and reports for mission critical operations.......

8. syslog-ng OSE

syslog-ng OSE The syslog-ng Open Source Edition™ is a highly portable log management solution to create collect, filter, classify, store and forward log messages.syslog-ng OSE, open source syslog serverThe syslog-ng project is a continuous community effort to create the best log management tool. The project is an advocate and early adopter of......

9. Logsene

Logsene Logsene is an enterprise-class log management and analytics solution, available in the Cloud or On Premise. Logsene delivers critical operational and business insights from data generated by applications, we sites, servers, networks, mobile devices, sensors, etc. Logsene searches and visualizes the collected data to let you monitor and analyze everything......

10. Gibraltar

Gibraltar Gibraltar Efficiently record errors, metrics and usage patterns from your applications, then transmit and analyze all that data with our robust, affordable infrastructure.Key BenefitsImprove Software QualityStreamline Customer SupportHow much customer goodwill and staff time is wasted asking questions like: What version are you running? When did you first notice this......

11. is a free and open source alternative to CBS'

12. Bugfender

Bugfender Ever had a but that happens to one of your users but you can't reproduce? What if the user is a mobile app user that's miles away from you?Most developers debug their apps by looking at the logs generated by their application. Usually this means connecting the mobile device with......

13. Glowroot

Glowroot Trace capture for slow requests and errorsContinuous profiling (with very handy filtering)Response time breakdown chartsResponse time percentile chartsSQL capture and aggregationService call capture and aggregationMBean attribute capture and chartsAlerting on response time percentiles and MBean attributesHistorical rollup of all data (1m, 5m, 30m, 4h) with configurable retentionFull support for async......

14. Lilith

Lilith Lilith is a logging and access event viewer for the Logback logging framework, log4j and java.util.logging.It has features comparable to Chainsaw, a logging event viewer for log4j. This means that it can receive logging events from remote applications using Logback as their logging backend.It uses files to buffer the received......

15. DircProxy

DircProxy dircproxy is an IRC proxy server ("bouncer") designed for people who use IRC from lots of different workstations or clients, but wish to remain connected and see what they missed while they were away. You connect to IRC through dircproxy, and it keeps you connected to the server, even after......