Top 15 VirusTotal Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

VirusTotal is a free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.

You can upload files up to 128 MB in size.

Applications for Windows, Mac and Android are also available to upload files to VirusTotal service.

Both VirusTotal and Rotarua Limited are owned by Google.

1. Immunet FREE Antivirus

Immunet FREE Antivirus Immunet FREE Antivirus is the lightest anti-virus application, providing the fast protection against new viruses, because it protects through the cloud using the ClamAV engine. Install/Hardisk-Filesize: 5/10 MB.Community Based Protection, Cloud Computing,Collective Intelligence; Language: English only.......

2. Moon Secure

Moon Secure Moon Secure AV is an opensource antivirus currently using the clamav engine due to fast response time and huge AV database, however we are implementing another engine that is heuristic and will allow users to customize the engine on the fly. Unlike clam it has an enterprise level real-time scanner.......

3. Virusade

Virusade Virusade is a hosted virus scanning utility designed for integration with web applications. Any application dealing with user-supplied files should be scanning for viruses, and virusade makes it easy with an HTTP REST/JSON approach. Commercial use is allowed.......

4. Amiti Antivirus

Amiti Antivirus Amiti Antivirus is an effective and easy to use free antivirus for your PC. Protects against viruses, trojans, worms and malware. Amiti Antivirus has built-in real-time memory shields, scheduling, multiple skin and translations support. Uses famous clamav antivirus engine library.......

5. is a free malware analysis service powered by Using this service you can submit files for in-depth behavior analysis.......

6. Malwr

Malwr Malwr is a free malware analysis service and community launched in January 2011. You can submit files to it and receive the results of a complete dynamic analysis back.......

7. Bitdefender Free Antivirus

Bitdefender Free Antivirus Bitdefender Free Edition uses the same virus detection engine found in other Bitdefender products. It comes with real time scanning that is called Virus Shield and an auto-scan mode that checks your system when the computer is idle. Game mode is fully automated and will be enabled when it detects......

8. Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is an antivirus software product that provides real-time protection against different types of malicious software such as viruses, spyware, rootkits and Trojan horses. Microsoft Security Essentials is a free download from Microsoft (Space demand: only 17.63 MB.) that is simple to install, easy to use, and......

9. ClamXav

ClamXav ClamXav is a virus scanner for Mac OS X. It uses the very popular ClamAV open source antivirus engine as a back end and has the ability to detect both Windows and Mac threats.ClamXav can be setup up as passive or active: scan only the files you tell......

10. ESET Cyber Security

ESET Cyber Security ESET software provides advanced proactive antivirus protection. Stay ahead of cybercrime with proactive protectionthat integrates seamlessly with your Mac.......

11. Deepviz

Deepviz DeepViz Sandbox Analysis Service is a free service to automatically scan suspicious items looking for malicious activities.It's a cloud based, self-learning threat intelligence platform powered by Deepviz Malware Analysis Engine.Submit a file to get a full analysis of it or use our search to look for Indicators of Compromise.......

12. FireEye

FireEye The leader in stopping advanced targeted attacks that bypass existing defenses, such as traditional and next generation firewalls, IPS, anti-virus, and gateways.FireEye Mobile Threat Prevention keeps users safe from mobile threats.Unlike traditional antivirus programs that rely on signature matching, the FireEye Mobile Threat Prevention analyzes mobile apps to uncover the......

13. Trend Micro Internet Security

Trend Micro Internet Security Trend Micro Internet Security protects you and your family against cybercriminals and inappropriate content without slowing down your computer.......

14. Inoculate Virus Cleaner

Inoculate Virus Cleaner Inoculate Virus Cleaner is a handy virus scanner / cleaner designed to look for and clean viruses, malware and other unwanted files from your computer. Rizone Virus Cleaner will not slow down your computer and can be used together with all other anti-virus systems. We even recommend you use it......

15. Damballa

Damballa Automated Breach DefenseYour network security controls are in place to prevent, detect and respond to threats. When prevention fails, and it will, the time it takes to detect and respond to a threat makes the difference between dodging a bullet and suffering catastrophic business loss.Damballa Failsafe is an automated breach......