Top 15 HubPages Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

A place where people write for the joy of it. But writing is just the beginning. At HubPages you can create. You can inform. You can interact. You can converse. Share and show your interests in a myriad of ways. From words to pictures. From Videos to Forums. From Answers to Questions. The possibilities are boundless. The experience may even be addicting (in a good way). HubPages can also open up a rewarding world of learning (you might even find yourself earning).

1. Riple

Riple Riple is your go-to community for discovering and sharing the best online content in groups. Features:• Join groups to discover contents curated by like minded people.• Push your favorite online contents to your friends and groups.• Create along with moderate groups that anyone can find, join and view content being......

2. Collexio

Collexio Content sharing platform for experts, geeks, specialistsContent consuming platform for everyoneCollexio is a great way of collecting and sharing ideas, stories, knowledge or your passions with your friends, family and all the world.......

3. Shareist

Shareist Shareist is a content creation platform. Easily capture ideas and the stuff that interests you, ready for sharing and publishing. Develop a habit for creating great content.......

4. ClearVoice

ClearVoice PLANCollaborate and discover content ideas like never before. Plan your editorial calendar and connect your entire team with ease.RECRUIT & HIRENo platform should stand alone. That's why ours is connected to the ClearVoice Marketplace.CREATECreating good content is hard. That’s why we developed a simple, intuitive workflow. Welcome to efficient content......

5. PromoRepublic

PromoRepublic PromoRepublic is an online editorial calendar that is designed especially for social media marketers and library of custom designed templates and post ideas for social networks.The calendar is stuffed with latest trends, important events’ and holidays notifications. We offer a content ideas that you may use not only for social......

6. Papaly

Papaly is a personalized start page that is your go-to bookmark manager that fits all your needs. You’re able to sync your bookmarks fast and easy with step by step instructions! You're able to access your bookmarks from any platform that has internet access. Get one of the best Productivity......

7. You post stuff. People upvote it. You make money. It's very simple. It's reddit, but with cats that make you money. We call it monetary applause.How many social networks and blogs do you post to daily? reddit? G+? Facebook? Twitter? Forums? We're betting you post quite a bit. Articles. Videos.......

8. MindSky

MindSky MindSky is a place for all your notes and ideas. It allows you to organize thoughts in a way nowhere else does. Highlight and share articles or ideas with others. It's designed to be simple. With MindSky you can also quickly publish your notes as a fully customizable website or......

9. Author

Author Mac app that changes how you can create and publish documents to the web.......

10. WatStory

WatStory WatStory is a multilingual technology platform and community for original stories and ideas across genres (fiction, non fiction..) and language. It has a native content editor to write in English, Hindi and Bengali (will be extended to other Indian and global languages). WatStory helps writers learn their craft, test their......

11. Serpstat

Serpstat Serpstat is a keyword and ranking research tool used for in-depth competitor analysis and building advertising campaigns. Serpstat does keyword and domain research, provides analysis on organic and paid keywords, level of competition and cost per click. Serpstat’s database includes information on 10 geographical regions of Google (USA, Australia, United......

12. Beegit

Beegit Beegit is the online writing platform that removes barriers across your organization to create, edit and approve web content. Try it free.......

13. Abricotine

Abricotine Abricotine is an open-source markdown editor for desktop.In Abricotine, you can preview your document directly in the text editor rather than in a side pane. - Write in markdown (or GFM) and export your documents in HTML,- Preview text elements (such as headers, images, math, embedded videos, to-do lists...) while......

14. Markdown Plus

Markdown Plus Markdown Plus is a versatile markdown editor. Besides common markdown, GitHub flavored markdown, it also supports task lists, emojis, Font Awesome icons, Ionicons icons, mathematical formulae, flowcharts, sequence diagrams, gantt diagrams and Vim mode.## Fundamental features- GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)- Realtime preview with scroll sync- Fenced code blocks with syntax......

15. WriteDown

WriteDown Try WriteDown, an app that made text editing simpler. You can write your note whether you are at home, at work, or on the go. Your notes are synchronized to the cloud, so you can easily read it wherever you want.With Markdown, a simple but powerful markup language that help......