Top 15 Freename Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

When you use Freename to rename a bunch of files, it will send a text file with all filenames to your text editor. At that point, you can use all available tools of your text editor to change the filenames into whatever you want them to be. You can edit them by hand, you can do a search-and-replace for substrings, and with the right text editors you can use regular expressions, block modifications and lots of things more. You then close your editor, and Freename will carry change the filenames exactly into what you wrote. ...

1. Batch File Renamer

Batch File Renamer Rename multiple files according to the rules and pattern you specify using powerful editor with syntax highlighting.- Modify original file name by removing or copying its parts, replacing text, changing letter case, or using Regular Expressions.- Include dynamic elements in file names: file properties (dates , size); hashes (MD5, SHA1,......

2. File Renamer Basic

File Renamer Basic File Renamer - Rename Files. Free utility to rename files easily. Now includes Thumbnail support. Use this utility to preview your pictures before renaming......

3. PhotoRenamer

PhotoRenamer PhotoRenamer 3.4 is a freeware that rename your photos according to the date and the time you took the pictures (from file date and time or Exif Data) and a Highy customizable Renaming Mask. Renaming Masks are strings that contains format specifications (Day, Month, Year, Hour, Min., Sec. Photo Number......

4. Ant Renamer

Ant Renamer Ant Renamer is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings. It supports Unicode names.This program can rename large amounts of files and folders in few clicks. It only modifies files/folders names:......

5. Batch File Manager

Batch File Manager Rename, move, copy, delete, and otherwise manage multiple files.- Rename multiple files according to the rules and pattern you specify using powerful editor with syntax highlighting.- Modify original file name by removing or copying its parts, changing letter case, or adding dynamic content like random characters or file properties.-......

6. Panda Batch File Renamer

Panda Batch File Renamer Panda Batch File Renamer is an easy to use utility for changing the names of multiple files.The intuitive interface provides a flexible way to quickly alter file names.The current and final file names are shown side-by-side on the screen and any changes are displayed on screen immediately.Information taken directly from......

7. Photo Renamer

Photo Renamer Photo Renamer is an application allowing users to organize their photos in chronological order. This is done by using the EXIF date recorded in each photo.When digital cameras take a picture, they also record the time and date in the photo's EXIF metadata. This timestamp is utilized by Photo Renamer......

8. F2Utility

F2Utility An easy and effective batch file rename toolRename multiple files at once using a wide range of tools.Features:- Replace text from your file names- Use regex or regular strings to do so- Remove a range of characters from the names- Cut the first or last couple of characters- Add a......

9. Bulk Rename Utility

Bulk Rename Utility Bulk Rename Utility is a free file renaming software for Windows. Bulk Rename Utility allows you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria.Add date/time stamps, replace numbers, insert text, convert case, add auto-numbers, process folders and a whole lot more!......

10. ReNamer

ReNamer ReNamer is a very powerful and flexible file renaming tool, which offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding number sequences, changing file extensions, etc.For advanced users, there is RegEx support and a PascalScript rule, which lets users......

11. Métamorphose v2

Métamorphose v2 Métamorphose is a batch renamer, a program to rename large sets of files and folders quickly and easily.With its extensive feature set, flexibility and powerful interface, Métamorphose is a profesional's tool. A must-have for those that need to rename many files and/or folders on a regular basis.In addition to general......

12. Ken Rename

Ken Rename Ken Rename is a multi-file rename utility.Features:- Filter files with wildcard- Use multi-actions to rename and can change order- Create a numbered file list- Convert to upper or lowercase- Replace a string with a different string- Use regular expression with Replace- Keep only certain letters of the file name-......

13. ExifRenamer

ExifRenamer The program allows to rename photos by their embedded date+time information in a much more usable way. Most downloaded pictures are named like "pic0001.jpg" or other cryptic names.ExifRenamer reads the embedded date+time information and renames the picture to for example "2001-11-18_11-16-34.jpg" (YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.jpg). This naming style lets you easily create a......

14. Better File Rename

Better File Rename Better File Rename for Windows is the most versatile and easiest file renaming application on the market.......

15. DropIt

DropIt When you need to organize files, DropIt can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around.You can configure DropIt to perform 17 different actions on your files and folders, filtering files by name, directory, size, date, properties, content or regular expressions. You can......