Top 15 Radia Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

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1. Pandorian

Pandorian Pandorian is a clutter free, lightweight and easy to use desktop client for Pandora. It enables listening from unsupported countries with the use of a proxy. Pandora's song skipping limits are honoured in order to avoid possible account flagging. Pandorian is intended for Pandora listeners who do not like to......

2. PandaBar

PandaBar Play Pandora from your Mac menu bar. A native app for Mac that stays in your menu bar (and doesn't clutter your dock while it's running). Allows you to control song playback and give your songs thumbs up/down ratings.......

3. Pianobar Remote

Pianobar Remote Android remote control for pianobar ( Pandora radio) running on any Linux or Mac computer.......

4. Elpis

Elpis Elpis is a free and open source Pandora client for Microsoft Windows. It was created to provide a simple, lightweight and seamless way to enjoy music through Pandora while freeing you from the confines of a web browser and integrating into the desktop.Features - Simple desktop application for subscription and......

5. wpRadioNet

wpRadioNet wpRadioNet is a highly rated unofficial Pandora client for Windows Phone with a Metro interface.......

6. OpenPandora

OpenPandora OpenPandora is an open source Wwindows desktop application that exposes Pandora music discovery service Features-Integration with, Microsoft Messenger, Xfire and Skype-Hide to tray and popup tray notification window with full info-Full control from tray icon-Control with multimedia keyboard and global shortcuts-Support for Logitech G15 keyboard-Control with Wiimote-Lyrics......

7. Hermes

Hermes Fast - Hermes beats Flash, hands down.Free - Even if you don’t subscribe to Pandora One, Hermes is and always will be open source and free for everyone.Usable - Hermes pauses music when your computer sleeps and doesn’t resume on wake. It recovers from errors and picks up the song......

8. Style Jukebox

Style Jukebox Style Jukebox Cloud Player is the easiest way to take your music anywhere and listen to it on all your devices, online and offline.Style Jukebox is free up to 1,000 songs and it's available for Windows, iOS, Android and Windows Phone, with more devices coming soon.Instant access to your music.......

9. Pithos

Pithos Pithos is a Pandora client for the GNOME Desktop. The official Flash-based client is a CPU hog, and Pianobar is command-line only. Neither integrate with the desktop very well, missing things like media key support and song notifications. Pithos uses libpiano, the backend of pianobar, to create a better Pandora......

10. Spotiflix

Spotiflix Spotiflix provides Spotify music for free! Albums, artists, lyrics, playlists, youtube video. Share your playlists with your friends.......

11. Music Player Classic

Music Player Classic Music Player Classic is a mobile media player with an elegant UI that is configurable with skins and themes.......

12. RockRaptor

RockRaptor Find and listen to music on RockRaptor. Listen to music from your favourite sites, all in one place.......

13. ToTheBestOf

ToTheBestOf Listen to the very top ten tracks of any, quick and easy......

14. TinyShark

TinyShark TinyShark lets you listen to Grooveshark on your Android device for free. It can search the Grooveshark database, import Grooveshark playlists, and play individual songs or an entire playlist.TinyShark requires Flash, which is available in Android version 2.2 or above.......

15. Ducktunes

Ducktunes Ducktunes is a free service for streaming music that runs in the web browser. Simply visit and start searching for music to add to your library. No download or installation of any sort required- listen to your music from anywhere.......