Top 15 Visual Micro Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

Arduino IDE for Visual Studio and Atmel Studio
Arduino developement plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio. A fully compatible alternative to Arduino IDE. The arduino plugin includes features such as:- arduino compiler, arduino upload to any board, full arduino library support, tutorials and examples


PROGRAMINO PROGRAMINO is a low budget pricing IDE for Arduino, Genuino or similar boards with code autocomplete, custom syntax highlighting, analog plotter, hardware viewer, HEX-file extraction, and HTML5 editor. The IDE for Arduino is easy and comfortable to use and fully compatible with the original Arduino IDE. Uses the original build......

2. SciTe4AutoHotkey

SciTe4AutoHotkey SciTE4AutoHotkey (screenshot) is a SciTE-based AutoHotkey script editor. It provides: Syntax highlighting, Calltips (also known as IntelliSense), AutoComplete, AutoIndent, AutoHotkey help integration, Abbreviations, Editing macros, Debugging support, Tools for AutoHotkey scripting, A toolbar that enables easy access to the tools,......

3. C4droid

C4droid C4droid is a user-friendly (but powerful) C/C++ IDE + C/C++ compiler for Android.Basic features:- Offline C compiler: create your own applications on Android device and run them even without Internet access- Source code editor with syntax highlighting, tabs, code completion, code formatting, file association and undo/redo- Export&share your programs as......

4. PhpStorm

PhpStorm Smart PHP Code EditorThe editor that actually 'gets' your code and deeply understands its structure, supporting all PHP language features for modern and legacy projects. Provides the best code completion, refactorings, on-the-fly error prevention, and more.Code Quality AnalysisHundreds of inspections take care of verifying your code as you type, analyzing......

5. kodeWeave

kodeWeave kodeWeave is a realtime coding playground for HTML, CSS and Javascript. Similar to JSFiddle and JSBin, but kodeWeave was made to work offline but also as a prototyping application to build applications for desktop operating systems while on mobile devices. (PhoneGap Build is recommended for mobile devices)kodeWeave similar to jsfiddle,......

6. PyCharm Community Edition

PyCharm Community Edition Python IDE with refactoring, code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, graphical debugger, and coding productivity orientation. It can work with Git, Mercurial, CVS, Subversion, GitHub.The Community Edition has some limitations: It does not support database/SQL, UML diagrams, code coverage, CSS and JavaScript.......

7. Zerynth

Zerynth The Zerynth Stack allows designing embedded applications and IoT connected devices using any 32 bit microcontrollers and connecting to any cloud infrastructure. All in Python & hybrid C/Python language.The Zerynth Stack is composed of:- ZERYNTH VIRTUAL MACHINE: a multi-threaded real-time OS that provides real hardware independence, allowing code reuse on......

8. AppCode

AppCode An Objective-C IDE for iOS and Mac OS development with a smarter code editor......

9. Eclipse Xtext

Eclipse Xtext Xtext is an open-source framework for developing programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs). Unlike standard parser generators, Xtext not only generates a parser, but also a class model for the Abstract Syntax Tree and a fully featured, customizable Eclipse-based IDE.Xtext is being developed in the Eclipse Project as part of......

10. AceHTML

AceHTML A powerful, free HTML editor, AceHTML comes packed with outstanding features. Although this Web page software is completely free, it offers a solid collection of tools to help novices and professional webmasters build Web sites with speed, ease, and convenience. Simply put, AceHTML Freeware HTML editor beats every other paid-for......

11. SynWrite

SynWrite SynWrite is a free source code editor and notepad replacement for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.SynWrite features: syntax highlighting for lots of languages; fully customizable highlighting; code folding; tree structure view for source code; support for almost all encodings; auto-completion; source code templates; clipboard history panel; search, replace with regular expressions......

12. Devpad

Devpad Notepad-like VB.Net multi-tab source code editor for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 that supports ASM, ASP.Net, Boo, C#, C++, CSS, HTML, INI, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, VB.Net, XML and plain text files.- Supports syntax highlighting and line numbering.- Import files from FTP, archives, FlowDocuments and......

13. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA IntelliJ IDEA is a free / commercial Java IDE by JetBrains. Its design is centered on programmer productivity. A number of its features are intended to accelerate development and allow programmers to concentrate on functionality while IntelliJ IDEA handles routine coding tasks. IntelliJ IDEA is available in two editions: Ultimate......

14. Editra

Editra Editra is a multi-platform text editor with an implementation that focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently it supports syntax highlighting and variety of other useful features for over 60 programming languages.Editra is freely available for personal use under the terms......

15. Ecere SDK

Ecere SDK The Ecere IDE is a complete development environment for editing code, designing graphical user interfaces, managing and building projects as well as debugging. Its aim is to fully support eC and C programming, but also supports including and building e.g. C++ modules as part of the projects.......