Top 15 Quantus Tasks Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

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1. The Now Organizer

The Now Organizer The Now Organizer is a Powerful yet Very Simple Personal Task Manager that Empowers You to Keep Starting effectively driving you and your tasks to completion. TNO allows you to quickly add and organize to-do's and tasks, associate and catogorize tasks using contexts & tags. It also allows you to......

2. iGTD

iGTD iGTD: Getting Things Done for MAC is a very useful MAC tool to get organised......

3. Wieldy

Wieldy Wieldy is a free to-do list manager that is based on the principles of GTD (Getting Things Done). It allows you to manage your to-dos in a simple but effective way. To-dos can be created as thoughts and actions, which can then be assigned to the Next Action, Today, or......

4. Micromiles

Micromiles Micromiles is a single trustful source for all your activities at work and at home, which supports collaboration between friends and colleagues on common goals and tasks. Perfectly suits for individuals, teams and organizations......

5. MyLifeOrganized

MyLifeOrganized MyLifeOrganized (MLO) is a personal task outliner and to-do list manager which will help you to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree. The To-Do list with actions that require immediate attention will be generated. This list of next actions will be sorted in order of priority to......

6. DoItRight

DoItRight Manage your daily tasks in a fast and simple way. Do It Right allows you to group your tasks into lists and manage them separately.You can add your tasks: text notes, voice notes, pictures, reminders and web links.You can associate a numerical value to the tasks, a price, hours, etc.......

7. Gtdagenda

Gtdagenda Online GTD manager.You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.A mobile version is available too.......

8. Due Today

Due Today Due Today offers a powerful solution to organize your tasks and projects using a mixture of David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology and your own organizational scheme.Features Galaxy Tab Ready Simple task and project management Uses GTD for task organization Create tasks and projects anywhere by long-pressing the "Search" button......

9. Life Balance

Life Balance Life Balance is a software tool that can keep you focused and on track through the process of balancing work, home, and leisure activities. It is a tool to optimize personal productivity and happiness by giving you new ways to manage your time and to do list, so that you......

10. OutlineEdit

OutlineEdit A beautifully crafted outliner for your Mac: It helps you keep your ideas structured and collected.Use OutlineEdit as an empty canvas to sketch information - for learning, working and planning your projects.And highlight text on web pages using OE Marker for Safari to directly open it into a new outline.......

11. Beeminder

Beeminder Beeminder is goal-tracking with teeth. We plot your progress on a yellow brick road to your goal and if you go off track we take your money!WHAT IS BEEMINDER?Beeminder cleverly combines self-tracking and monetary incentives to help you stick to your goals. You pledge (actual money) to keep all your......

12. Egretlist

Egretlist Egretlist is an iPhone to-do app that syncs with Evernote.You can keep the things you need to do in the same place you store all your memories and ideas.......

13. Springpad

Springpad Springpad makes it easy to save notes, products and places you want to remember - from tasks and lists to products, places, movies, recipes and more. It automatically organizes and enhances what you save with useful links and relevant offers to save you time and money. Everything you save is......

14. Producteev

Producteev Producteev is an online task management tool that serves as your full Productivity platform (Task and Project Management, Files Sharing, Internal Communication and Productivity Apps Aggregation).Ever missed an action item buried in your email? Say hello to Producteev! Forward your important emails to we'll create to-do lists on the......

15. Todolicious

Todolicious Todolicious is a beautiful and simple task list for your Mac that helps you actually finish your tasks. Todolicious does not ask you to categorize or organize your To Dos; simply add your tasks and check them off, and it will manage everything for you. And it will even cheer......