Top 15 CCTray Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

An automated continuous integration server for the .NET platform

1. BuildNotify

BuildNotify BuildNotify is a CCMenu equivalent for Ubuntu. (or CCTray equivalent for Ubuntu if you happen to use windows). It resides in your system tray and notifies you of the build status for different projects on your continuous integration servers.......

2. SVN Notifier

SVN Notifier SVN Notifier monitors your Subversion project repositories for changes. It notifies about other people's recent commits and helps keep the local copy up to date. One can review all the changes and update the local copy from the application.......

3. CommitMonitor

CommitMonitor CommitMonitor is a small tool to monitor Apacheā„¢ SubversionĀ® repositories for new commits. It has a very small memory footprint and resides in the system tray.......

4. CCMenu

CCMenu CCMenu displays the build status of projects on a continuous integration server as an item in the Mac's menu bar. CCMenu allows you to: Monitor selected projects on multiple continuous integration servers Identify the overall build status with a glance to menu bar See the status of individual project builds......

5. MySQL Notifier

MySQL Notifier MySQL Notifier is a small utility that can keep watch over your Windows and MySQL services, notifying you of changes in their operation. Monitor Windows Services Monitor MySQL Connections Integration with MySQL Workbench Integration with MySQL InstallerNote: Unlike the database software this is used with, Notifier does not appear to......

6. CatLight

CatLight CatLight shows build status notifications in your tray on Windows or menu bar on OS X. It can get build status from Jenkins, AppVeyor, TFS 2015 and Visual Studio Online (VSTS). For Team Foundation Server, Catlight supports new vNext Team Builds, as well as XAML builds.When a build is broken,......

7. Shed Skin

Shed Skin Shed Skin is an experimental compiler, that can translate pure, but implicitly statically typed Python (2.4-2.6) programs into optimized C++. It can generate stand-alone programs or extension modules that can be imported and used in larger Python programs.......

8. YUI

YUI YUI is a free, open source JavaScript and CSS library for building richly interactive web applications.......

9. is a JavaScript library built on the Prototype JavaScript Framework, providing dynamic visual effects and user interface elements via the Document Object Model (DOM).It is most notably included with Ruby on Rails and Seaside, but also provided separately to work with other web application frameworks and scripting was......

10. Hopper GDB Server

Hopper GDB Server Hopper GDB Server allows you to debug your applications, locally and/or remotely.......

11. LispIDE

LispIDE LispIDE is a basic graphical shell for several Lisp and Scheme implementations available for Windows. LispIDE seems to work with: Corman Common Lisp, Steel Bank Common Lisp, CLISP, Gnu Common Lisp, Gambit Scheme, Bigloo Scheme, SCM Scheme, Arc, newLISP, OpenLisp, Clozure Common Lisp, PicoLisp, Clojure, Armed Bear Common Lisp. Please......

12. Browser Integrated Testing Environment

Browser Integrated Testing Environment BITE is a suite of tools that lets you test the web from the web, offering tools that inform and accelerate manual and exploratory testing. It is currently available as an extension for the Chrome browser.BITE offers:In-browser bug reporting which grabs context.Test suite management.Visualization of bugs that have already been......

13. EyeDefender

EyeDefender EyeDefender is a freeware rest reminder designed to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) resulting from working on a computer for hours. CVS symptoms include eyestrain, blurred vision, delayed focusing, headaches, back and neck aches, dry and burning eyes, light sensitivity, distorted color vision, forehead heaviness, and sore eyes.CVS is impossible......

14. Realm

Realm Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & Core Data. Realm can save thousands of lines of code & weeks of work, and lets you craft amazing new user experiences.......

15. is a revolutionary tool that lets anybody build and configure powerful iPhone applications using a friendly web interface. Create your menus and pages, customize your app design, add powerful plugins and generate your app. is also a powerful framework for iOS developers.......