Top 15 JustAPIs Alternative and Similar Softwares | Apr 2024

Build APIs Rapidly
Quickly define a new API and start building your endpoints in seconds. With our cloud offering you will immediately have a publicly available host serving up your API responses. Start by mocking your endpoints or jump right into connecting to other sources!

Integrate With Ease
With JustAPIs, connecting to any of our supported external remote systems is simple. Define connectivity to any HTTP, SOAP, MySQL, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, or Postgres service. Do this once and then instantly reuse that service anywhere in your API.

1. Mashape

Mashape Free API Management Platform & Marketplace......

2. API Umbrella

API Umbrella API Umbrella is an open source API management platform for exposing web service APIs. The basic goal of API Umbrella is to make life easier for both API creators and API consumers. How?Make life easier for API creators: Allow API creators to focus on building APIs.Standardize the boring stuff: APIs......

3. Postman

Postman Postman helps you be more efficient while working with APIs. Postman is a scratch-your-own-itch project. The need for it arose while one of the developers was creating an API for his project. After looking around for a number of tools, nothing felt just right. The primary features added initially were......

4. RESTer

RESTer A REST client for almost any web service (Firefox and Chrome extension).......

5. Emitter is a real-time communication service for connecting online devices. Infrastructure and APIs for IoT, gaming, apps and real-time web. At its core, is a distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant publish-subscribe messaging platform based on MQTT protocol and featuring message storage.Emitter can be used for online gaming and mobile apps......

6. Data2CRM.API

Data2CRM.API Data2CRM.API is an online service specifically engineered to provide integration with 12+ leading CRM solutions using a single API. Easily retrieve, add, update and sync the data you need from such CRM solutions as Salesforce, Insightly, Highrise, Zoho, SugarCRM, etc. and integrate it with your business soft in no time.......

7. APIbond

APIbond APIBond is a service that acts as a proxy where you can configure an existing API. One problem with the existing APIs in the market is the lack of customization. Eg. Twitter API calls returns the same response to everyone. Developers, API evangelists and business people can use to......

8. Axway

Axway Axway software enables digital business to govern, secure and monitor all interactions; securing company data and ensuring regulatory compliance.......

9. WSO2 API Manager

WSO2 API Manager WSO2 provides the only 100% open source enterprise platform that helps to build, integrate, analyse and manage your APIs, applications, and Web services on-premises, in the cloud and on mobile devices.......

10. Moesif

Moesif Moesif is an error analysis and resolution tool for API driven services to gain deep visibility into how your errors occur in an increasingly complex world of many REST APIs and Microservices. The hosted service is built to log and analyze millions of API requests so you can stay focused......

11. MobileIron

MobileIron With more than 5000 customers worldwide, MobileIron is the leader in Enterprise Mobility Management The leader in security and management for mobile apps, documents, and devices, MobileIron enables global companies to become Mobile First organizations, embracing mobility as their primary IT platform to transform their businesses. More than 5,000 companies......

12. API Plug

API Plug API Plug enables developers to create their own API and backend management software from their databases and download all source codes of these softwares in minutes.With API Plug you could build your own API without writing a single line of code in 5 minutes and download full source code in......

13. 3Scale

3Scale 3scale provides an out of the box cloud API management platform and infrastructure for developers, and companies to securely open, control, manage, operate and monetize their API to third parties (e.g. developers, business partners, etc.).3scale API management platform is plug and play, configurable, flexible and scalable and brings API providers......

14. Insect

Insect Insect is made to aid the process of troubleshooting third party integrations via RESTful APIs. The solution particularly useful when working with SaaS platforms and for documenting purposes.- Made with SaaS platforms in mind- Supports RESTful APIs with JSON payloads- Real-time data interception- Highly volatile - not storing intercepted data-......

15. IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix Bluemix is an open-standards, cloud-based platform for building, managing, and running apps of all types, such as web, mobile, big data, and smart devices. Capabilities include Java, mobile back-end development, and application monitoring, as well as features from ecosystem partners and open source—all provided as-a-service in the cloud.