Top 15 LeadFuze Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

We work with B2B companies and provide email outreach services to your targeted customers.
We will find contact information for companies you want to have as customers.
Our conversion focused team than crafts an email outreach message and a series of follow-ups.
Then every day we contact these potential customers on your behalf and introduce them to what you have to offer.

1. Klenty

Klenty Klenty is a sales prospecting and outreach software. Use Klenty to find leads from social media profiles. One click extract profiles and find official contact information (email ids). Use Klenty to send emails + followups using our email cadences. Klenty integrates with your Gmail (Google Apps for business) account as......

2. WakeBase

WakeBase WakeBase delivers a daily contact information list of startups with high marketing potetial to your inbox. We list startups that have recently received funding, are looking for funding or have just launched and have a good marketing potential. For every startup we list their publicly available contact information like website,......

3. Find That Email

Find That Email Find the email address of decision makers in millions of companies worldwide.Key Features:- Browser extension (so you can search directly from LinkedIn).- Build lists and send then to Salesforce, Zoho, Yesware and MailChimp.- Bulk email verification and search.How is FindThat different from other email finding solutions?Other services uses publicly available......

4. Content upgrade lead magnets are a proven way to grow your email list and engage with your readers. Provide a no-hassle additional download in exchange for readers’ email addresses. Turn your valuable evergreen content into a list building powerhouse. Keep all your lead magnets organized and up-to-date with Need......

5. MegaMuzz

MegaMuzz MegaMuzz is powerful, multipurpose CRM platform that allows business owners/marketers to run Email Marketing drawings. These fun drawings are a great marketing tool designed to capture many new leads, engage subscribers, greatly increase traffic on a website or blog, and drive in more business. MegaMuzz Q-Draw is perfectly geared towards......

6. LeadGibbon

LeadGibbon Find Someone's Email Address for Free.Do you need to find an email address for your prospective leads? With LeadGibbon, you no longer have to worry about how to get an email address. Our powerful email address finder will help you search for an email address quickly and easily.With just a......

7. Etools

Etools Etools is a powerful toolkit designed to enhance B2B communication by providing its users with all the available and valid contact information of businesses and the people who work in them.Etools is easy to use directly or integrate in your workflows using its UI, browser extensions, and developer-friendly APIs.......

8. DueDil

DueDil DueDil Advanced Search enhances every step of the B2B lead generation process, because we believe we should be accountable for your numbers, just like someone on your team.This is demonstrated by the high success rates experienced by customers like Zipcar for business, which recently achieved a 40% conversion rate on......

9. Hatch

Hatch Hatch B2B Lead Generation and Analytics - Hatch allows you to see which companies have been visiting your site and the pages and services interested in.Hatch is also used as a lead generation and analytical tool.......

10. ExitIntent

ExitIntent User acquisition and retention is a major pain point for all startups around the world. Majority of the visitors never return back to your site. Marketers spend thousands of dollars on facebook and google ad campaigns, but most of the visitors from those campaigns don't convert into customers. Exitintent provides......

11. AeroLeads

AeroLeads AeroLeads is a web based prospect and lead generation software which searches for relevant leads and find contact details like name, email, phone number, address, business name, social media details etc......

12. Propeller CRM

Propeller CRM Propeller was built to help sales people with the day-to-day work of selling and to dramatically reduce the need to track their activity manually.Gmail Sidebar: Get access to all the information about the people you are emailing with along with the tasks and follow-ups you need to handle right inside......

13. IMSource

IMSource Welcome to IMSource, the ultimate Internet marketing resource directory! On this site you find the best tools and solutions for Internet marketers.......

14. Robly

Robly OpenGenRobly's breakthrough OpenGen technology sends your first campaign as you would normally send it. OpenGen will then re-send your campaign 1-5 days later, with a different subject line, only to those subscribers who didn't open your first email.Patent Pending Robly A.I. Instead of sending your email campaign all at once,......

15. FlipRSS

FlipRSS FlipRSS enables you to supercharge your RSS to email campaigns based on your subscriber preferences with either Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor.You can now automate multiple RSS feeds in your email campaigns based on your subscribers content preferences. For example, if you have a blog with a number of different post......