Top 12 AudioBookBinder Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Got a lot of audiobooks in MP3 format and would like to listen them on your iPod? Audiobook Binder to the rescue! It is simple utility that converts audiobooks to MP4 bookmarkable (m4b) format.

If you're a command-line guru we have CLI version for you. If you prefer GUI - there is Cocoa version.

Author/title information in m4b audiobook
Cover artwork
Chapter markers
Tuneable audio encoding properties: mono/stereo, sample rate, bitrate
Automatically adds m4b files to iTunes media library when encoding is finished

1. Chapter and Verse

Chapter and Verse Chapter and Verse is a free software tool to create chapterized audiobooks for the iPod, iTunes, and Quicktime.Starting with Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) formatted files, or any other audio file supported in iTunes, the user can combine multiple input files into a single audiobook file with chapter marks. Non-AAC files......

2. ChapterMark

ChapterMark ChapterMark is your solution to convert, compress, and consolidate your audiobook collection.Features:- Combine and convert any combination of audio files into a single iTunes, iPod, and iPhone compatible audio book.- Create chapter stops to easily navigate the audio book.- Add cover art, title, and author.- Compress your audio book while......

3. Audiobook Player

Audiobook Player An audiobook player using an embedded Microsoft mediaplayer, born out of pure frustration with Microsoft Mediaplayer and iTunes. This is a simple player for audio books that remembers your last position (file index and position).This is not a commercial grade application. It has been proven to work on Windows 7......

4. m4Book

m4Book Sorry, we have added any description on m4Book......

5. abc - Audio Book Creator

abc - Audio Book Creator This program creates iPod compatible audiobooks including chapters. It can be used in a shell (php script) as well as with the delivered grafical user interface. As most people have audiobooks splitted into many mp3-files, this script will enable you to use all the features of audiobooks (*.m4b).abc has the......

6. Audio Book

Audio Book Getting tired of reading eBooks on your Kindle, iPhone, iPod or MP3 player? Love listening to audiobooks while sleeping, crafting? Audio Book enables its uses to convert any eBooks to audiobooks and listen on an iPhone, Android or MP3 player etc. All within just a few clicks on your Mac,......

7. Audiobook Builder

Audiobook Builder Now there’s Audiobook Builder, the easy way to quickly import your Audiobook CDs (with chapter) (or tracks that are already on your Mac), organize them and output one or two files that your iPod recognizes as actual Audiobooks. The results are automatically sent to a special playlist in iTunes, and......

8. Playlist Creator

Playlist Creator Following the Unix philosophy "one tool for one job" Playlist Creator enables you to create playlists of your precious music within seconds.The composition and creation of a playlist is quite intuitive: Add all desired files, enter a name for the playlist and select its save location. Hit the create button......


AMIS AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. It is self-voicing, meaning that no specialized screen-reading software is needed in order for it to be used by visually impaired people.......

10. EasyReader

EasyReader EasyReader is a software digital talking book player, allowing the user to read and listen to content through a combination of text, audio and images.......

11. MP3 to iPod Audio Book Converter

MP3 to iPod Audio Book Converter MP3 to iPod Audio Book Converter converts any number of MP3 files into one big iPod Audio Book File. The advantage of doing this is that you can make use of the advanced audio book functionality of your iPod.Your iPod or iPhone remembers the last position you were listening......

12. Join Together

Join Together Join Together will create and export a single AAC or ALAC audio file from the audio data of tracks dragged from iTunes or files dragged from the Finder. QuickTime not required.......