Top 15 Glassdoor Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Glassdoor is the world's most transparent career community that is changing the way people find jobs, and companies recruit top talent.

Glassdoor holds a growing database of 6 million company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, office photos and more. Unlike other jobs sites, all of this information is entirely shared by those who know a company best — the employees. Add to that millions of the latest jobs — no other community allows you to see which employers are hiring, what it's really like to work or interview there according to employees, and how much you could earn. Glassdoor is also available via its mobile app on iOS and Android platforms. ...

1. Search 80,000+ tech jobs. has business analyst, software engineer, QA jobs and many more. Manage your tech job search and IT career on Dice.Dice connects the best tech talent with job opportunities around the world. Technology powers companies. Professionals power technology. Dice quickly delivers the opportunities, insights and connections......

2. Perfect Profile

Perfect Profile Job portal built for career advancement with integrated courses.......

3. JobsExcite

JobsExcite Search Jobs and Post Resume on is Free. Find new employment. Search and apply online. will email your resume to all Companies for their immediate review......

4. CyberCoders

CyberCoders CyberCoders is the premier recruiting & job search firm nationwide. Search thousands of jobs -- engineering, executive, financial, accounting and sales.......

5. Careerbuilder

Careerbuilder is one of the nation's largest online recruitment and career advancement source for employers, recruiters and job seekers. One of the top 30 trafficked websites in the world, has turned its focus to international markets in recent years. With offices in the U.S., Canada, UK, Sweden and more,......

6. Find full-time remote programming jobs and bid on programming gigs (projects)......

7. MyJobDiscovery

MyJobDiscovery MyJobDiscovery helps both passive and aggressive job seekers find better job opportunities. MyJobDiscovery will allow a user to search the company they currently work for, and it will show an aggregated list of the top companies that employees have worked for next in their careers. This service is also available......

8. Tapwage

Tapwage Tapwage is the career discovery engine focused on helping young professionals find their calling.We are making career planning and job search a fun, social, and daily experience.Instantly Search jobs from company sites and trusted sources Browse curated job channels to identify the types of jobs that are best for you.......

9. Instahyre

Instahyre Instahyre is where the top 2% of talent and companies meet each other. We make recruitment faster and better!Traditional job boards have too much noise. As a job seeker, do you really want to look at thousands of completely irrelevant job postings, or get spammed by recruitment agencies for the......

10. Beyond, The Career Network. Your Life. Your Career. Your Network.In any career there are ups and downs. Beyond is about helping you stay in control and reach those moments of triumph. The big promotion. A well-deserved raise. Or the great new opportunity that gives you a fresh start.Beyond has been......

11. RealMatch

RealMatch Powering the New Era of Online RecruitmentRealMatch is revolutionizing the highly fragmented online recruitment industry by building the largest and most effective recruitment advertising network that connects employers and job seekers in a whole new way— across thousands of niche job sites, job aggregators, search engines, and social networks. RealMatch......

12. Neuvoo

Neuvoo Neuvoo is a free job search engine that indexes jobs directly from companies' career websites, placement agencies and job boards, for free. Also, Neuvoo centralize all jobs available on the web to help people find new career opportunities, so it is are much like the Google for jobs.Nevertheless, Neuvoo offer......

13. PayScale

PayScale PayScale links individuals and businesses to the largest salary profile database in the world. Use PayScale to discover what you are worth or find out how PayScale's cloud compensation software can help you to pay the right way.......

14. Jobs WiinKz

Jobs WiinKz Jobs WiinKz is a Job Search Engine In 65 countries.Search the job for a single stateCurrently looking for a job in the following states: United States, Italy, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, England, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore.Jobs WiinKz is a Local Jobs Search Engine and job aggregator that searches multiple......

15. Wage Scout

Wage Scout Wage Scout provides a comprehensive database of real jobs and salaries around the US to help you discover what types of jobs are out there and how much they typically pay.......