Top 15 KeyBox Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

A web-based SSH console that executes commands on multiple shells. KeyBox allows you to manage keys, share terminal commands, and upload files to multiple systems simultaneously.

1. Shell In A Box

Shell In A Box Shell In A Box is a web based AJAX terminal emulator that can export arbitrary command line tools to a web based terminal emulator. This emulator is accessible to any JavaScript and CSS enabled web browser and does not require any additional browser plugins.......

2. bropages

bropages bro pages are concise examples of using command line programs......

3. TLDR pages

TLDR pages Sorry, we have added any description on TLDR pages......

4. fish

fish fish is a user friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux.Finally, a command line shell for the 90s. The new fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family. With autosuggestions, VGA color, man-page completions, web......

5. ROXTerm

ROXTerm ROXTerm: a full-featured VTE terminal emulator.......

6. whiptail

whiptail display dialog boxes from shell scripts......

7. Zenity

Zenity Zenity is a tool that allows you to display GTK dialog boxes in commandline and shell scripts.......

8. KDialog

KDialog Show KDE dialog boxes from shell scripts......

9. win-bash

win-bash win-bash is a Windows port of the famous GNU bash (see GNU Bash homepage).The goal of the win-bash project is to finish the port to Windows and provide a full functional bash.exe binary for windows nt and derived systems. win-bash can be used as a input shell as well as......

10. dialog

dialog display dialog boxes from shell scripts. Curses based. Works in console mode.......

11. dash

dash DASH is a POSIX-compliant implementation of /bin/sh that aims to be as small as possible. It does this without sacrificing speed where possible. In fact, it is significantly faster than bash (the GNU Bourne-Again SHell) for most tasks. DASH stands for Debian Almquist Shell.......

12. zsh

zsh Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) which of the standard shells most resembles the Korn shell (ksh); its compatibility with the 1988 Korn shell has been gradually increasing. It includes enhancements of many types, notably in the command-line editor, options for customising its behaviour, filename globbing, features to make......

13. Black Screen

Black Screen Black Screen is a terminal emulator for the 21st century. Unlike most emulators, it uses HTML and CSS for its UI (exactly as Atom does), which means we can stop misusing unicode characters and make a better looking terminal with appropriate tools.AutocompletionBlack Screen shows the autocompletion box as you type......

14. Console

Console Console is a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles.......

15. ContextConsole Shell Extension

ContextConsole Shell Extension The ContextConsole Shell Extension adds an "Open Command Prompt" menu item to the context menus (right-click menus) in Windows Explorer so that you can open a command prompt in the selected directory (or directories) or in the current directory that you are viewing.......