Top 15 AllAccounts Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

AllAccounts is an extension that allows Firefox to connect to websites using different user names. Formerly known as Multifox 2 (BETA). It allows having individual cookies sets, chosen per tab.

1. CookieSwap

CookieSwap If you have multiple logins for web based e-mail accounts (like Gmail and Yahoo! mail), then CookieSwap enables you to easily switch between those different accounts by swapping the 'cookies' that the sites use to know you.......

2. Multifox

Multifox Multifox is an extension that allows Firefox to connect to websites using different user names. Simultaneously!For example, if you have multiple Gmail accounts, you can open them all at the same time. Each Firefox window, managed by Multifox, accesses an account without interfering each other.......

3. Turbo Download Manager

Turbo Download Manager A modern multi-thread download manager for Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.......

4. BlackSheep

BlackSheep BlackSheep is a Firefox add-on which warns users if someone is using Firesheep on their network. It also indicates the IP address of the machine that is spying on you.To understand how BlackSheep works, we first need to understand the details of FireSheep. FireSheep listens to the HTTP traffic on......

5. UnMHT

UnMHT UnMHT adds MHT file reading/writing support to Firefox.MHT (MHTML, RFC2557) is the webpage archive format to store HTML and images, CSS into single file.UnMHT provides following features:* Save webpage as MHT file.* Save selection as MHT file* Insert URL of the webpage and date you saved into saved MHT file.*......

6. betterFox

betterFox betterFox - Make your browsing experience 15% faster.Auto next PageQuick delete button in search formFloating panelWebsite FaviconsShopping suggestions......

7. TrackMeNot

TrackMeNot TrackMeNot is a lightweight browser extension that helps protect web searchers from surveillance and data-profiling by search engines. It does so not by means of concealment or encryption (i.e. covering one's tracks), but instead, paradoxically, by the opposite strategy: noise and obfuscation. With TrackMeNot, actual web searches, lost in a......

8. Personas Plus

Personas Plus Personas are free, easy-to-install "skins" for Firefox. Personas Plus extends that built-in functionality to give you even more control and easier access to new, popular, and your own favorite Personas.......

9. Context Highlight

Context Highlight Context Highlight is a Firefox extension that allows you to highlight all instances (within a webpage) of a word, several words, or a phrase that you currently have selected. Right click anywhere on the page and choose "Clear Highlighting" to reset the page. Highlighting again will also clear the previous......

10. Menu Icons Plus

Menu Icons Plus Menu Icons Plus iconifies your Firefox menus and more! It includes several different icons sets to choose from, along with the ability to import/export icon sets. It also provides options for changing other aspects of the menus' appearance.......

11. Scroll To Top

Scroll To Top A plugin to scroll to top and vice versa of a window. It is really beautiful and is highly customizable.......

12. Gmail Notifier (restartless)

Gmail Notifier (restartless) Gmail Notifier (restartless) is an open-source project that notify you about incoming emails from all your Google Mail accounts and labels.Features:1. No requirement to enter your credentials.2. Multiple account support3. Multiple label support4. Low bandwidth usage by using RSS technology5. Mark as read, report span, trash or archive massages right......

13. Button up

Button up Unfortunately, not all sites are suitable for most users. Up button makes it easy to navigate the page - to climb to the top is now possible in a single click. The main function of the expansion - the addition of the "upstairs" on any website. This button features a......

14. Proxy-Switcher

Proxy-Switcher Proxy Switcher lets you change Firefox proxy settings (preferences) from a toolbar panel in a familiar UI. The panel allows you to access all proxy related settings and it also stores your configurations in different profiles for easy access.Features•Access all proxy related settings in one place•Supports multiple profiles for easy......

15. TryAgain

TryAgain TryAgain is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that automatically keeps retrying when a server is not found. When you reach Firefox’s built-in page saying ‘Server not found’, a countdown timer starts running and after a user-defined interval page will refresh, hence retrying to find the server. It also contains a......