Top 15 News Hub Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Get world’s breaking news and updates from the huge variety of sources or media channels. News Hub provides live updates about business, Sports, Health, Science, Technology and Entertainment world right on your smartphone. Let’s explore for the best News App, so you can catch up the top stories or headlines from around the world. This free news app will bring you the best news reading experience on the go anywhere anytime.

1. Elfinite

Elfinite Elfinite helps people to find the most popular and relevant links on the web.It is a personalized content discovery tool that aggregates the most shared or trending articles, images and videos from the web.......

2. WOXAPP Newsstand

WOXAPP Newsstand Newsstand is an application for reading news sites. Your news sites in one application!Application features You can add online magazines, newspapers, blogs, and any other sites to the application Newsstand. You will have easy and quick access to these sites.• It’s very easy to add your favorite sites. To add......

3. spaRSS

spaRSS spaRSS - Based on Flym and Sparse RSS, this checks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.......

4. Bandtraq

Bandtraq Bandtraq aggregates the latest news and activities of musicians, labels and music-related media scattered all over multiple social networks into one simple, unified feed. It offers fans a handy way to keep up with things instead of hopping between different social media channels and missing important updates. In addition, Bandtraq......

5. Old Pluto

Old Pluto Old Pluto started as a pet project that I created for fun. I'm a software developer and a news junkie, so originally, I wanted to build a simple RSS aggregator for helping me find interesting news. As I used the website, I kept adding features anytime I needed something, and......

6. Google News

Google News Google News is a free news aggregator provided and operated by Google Inc, selecting most up-to-date information from thousands of publications by an automatic aggregation algorithm.......

7. Snippt

Snippt Provide news in the form of fun, visual & engaging storyboards.......

8. RSS Reader Xoonity - Rss Feed

RSS Reader Xoonity - Rss Feed New generation of Rss Reader, Blog Reader, Rss Aggregator, a single app for your news, breaking news,Rss feed, podcasts and youtube channels. Main features :- Swipe right to save article.- Swipe left to hide article.- Quick search on all of your feeds- Starter guide to help you select sources, Rss......

9. Lector

Lector Read your news with a no-frills experience, and a blazing-fast reader. UnlimitedThere are no restrictions on how many feeds you can subscribe to. The only limit is how much information you can handle.ReadabilityClean, simple, straight to the point interface. Our main goal is to provide you with a no-frills reading......

10. Sourcerer

Sourcerer Sourcerer is a RSS news reader that treats all sources equally, unless you say otherwise. So your must-read sources will always appear first. And any other sources will not be shown again until you have seen the updates of all the other ones.......

11. Newsopsis

Newsopsis Newsopsis might be the quickest way to browse general news (breaking news, sports, high tech and showbiz). The website has a simple layout and provides an outline for each article.......

12. Russia Today

Russia Today RT news — find out what the mainstream media is keeping silent about.RT is a 24/7 English-language news channel. We are set to show you how any story can be another story altogether. Broadcasting over six continents and 100 countries, our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle......

13. Newsdippides

Newsdippides My name is Newsdippides, the successor of ancient Pheidippides, and I am a virtual news robot. I'll run nonstop for you to collect, organize, localize and deliver all news from your favorite newspapers, magazines, blogs, topics, places, music and video websites and other sources. You don't have to browse all......

14. NewsHub

NewsHub NewsHub is one of the leading web-based news aggregators. It gathers all the latest and the most thrilling news so that you can easily stay up to date with the most essential updates in different industries.......

15. BabbleAway

BabbleAway To keep up with the amount of human generated content (articles, blogs, discussions, questions, etc.) on a day to day basis has become extremely hard. Alerts based on keywords are often not enough.BabbleAway uses machine learning far superior to keywords to keep you informed.BabbleAway gathers news from different channels and......