Top 15 BibleOn Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Reading in BibleOn is reading the Holy Bible your way. Whether you want a distraction free reader’s edition, a studybible or a journaling bible with extra material for in-depth bible study. Or you can have something in between.

Our goal in building BibleOn was to make a satisfying digital alternative to the premium print Bible – an area in which we as graphic designers and typesetters of award-winning Bibles have great experience and knowledge.

1. OneVerse Bible

OneVerse Bible OneVerse Bible app is a Bible app for Android and iOS which makes the user focus on reading with Bible Memorization. It allows many features that are extremely useful, such as Bible Memory System, Tagging on each Verse, Reading One Verse at a time, Comparing up to 4 versions, and......

2. BibleWay

BibleWay Online Bible Study And Research Tool Features:Strong and Crossreferences Interlinear/Parallel User content: Bible Shortcuts,Timelines,Tags,Crossreferences,Translations,Paraphrase Search Editor,Dialers,Topical Dictionaries,Advanced Searches,Themes, Lists and Forum Topics Add Inline media to bible (Images, Videos, Links..) Advanced search features included: (begins with, ends with, regex, these words, this order..) Search Between verses, books and chapters......

3. MySword

MySword With MySword, you can study the Bible without banner ads, compare different translations, look up Strong's Hebrew and Greek Lexicon, read popular commentaries and even write your own insights and study notes directly on your smartphone or tablet.The following are the exciting features of MySword for Android:1. Multiple off-line Bibles,......

4. And Bible

And Bible And Bible is an open source, offline, totally free Bible application with no advertisements to enable as many people in all countries to read, listen to, and study Scripture as easily as possible and with the greatest personal blessing.* Bibles, Commentaries, Theological Dictionaries, Maps, and Christian books in over 50......

5. Xiphos

Xiphos Xiphos (formerly known as GnomeSword) is a Bible study tool written for Linux, UNIX, and Windows under the GNOME toolkit, offering a rich and featureful environment for reading, study, and research using modules from The SWORD Project and elsewhere. It is open-source software, and available free-of-charge to all.......

6. Daily Bible Verse

Daily Bible Verse This is a simple app about a single verse each day to read trough your android phone. You are can browse all of the Bible Verse directly or you can receive a Bible Verse of the day every day at the time you specify.This is Offline Bible Verse. No need......

7. BibleLightning

BibleLightning BibleLightning is is a lightning fast KJV Bible study program, featuring the King James Version and over 240 000 cross references, with a lightweight, easy to use, quickly starting and intuitive interface. BibleLightning lets you search and browse the Bible like the internet, with extensive search on various grammatical forms,......

8. Davar4

Davar4 All code (about 150k lines of C) was revisited or rewritten, Unicode support was implemented.There are two new types of modules: user notes and writings. User notes has own editor with preview window and some tools to insert tags. Notes can be displayed and synchronised together with book texts. Writings......

9. SwordSearcher

SwordSearcher Fast, easy to use, and comprehensive.The tools you need for effective Bible study.Fast and powerful Bible search.Innovative Verse Guide and StudyClick™ technology. Know what is available at a glance with the Bible Margin. Easily share Scripture in email or other documents with verse auto-paste. A huge reference library, without the......

10. The Word

The Word The Word consists of the main program (engine), and a list of add-on modules like Bibles, in different languages, commentaries, dictionaries, books, maps, fonts, different translation files, etc. The Word supports add-on modules in many languages and also supports many different languages for it's user interface.......

11. BibleServer

BibleServer BibleServer is an online bible reading and comparing service. It currently supports 53 translations in 22 languages.......

12. VerseVIEW

VerseVIEW VerseVIEW is a Bible and Song presentation software which will benefit your Church service, Ministry and personal devotion. It enables one to display Bible verses and Song lyrics in multiple languages simultaneously in a presentation format. It is very useful for bi-lingual Churches that use digital projectors to project verses......

13. Amen – Daily bible verses

Amen – Daily bible verses Amen is a beautiful and simple app designed to start your day with God. With one verse a day."Very inspiring and with a beautiful design. A perfect way to start a day" - Gregor Schneider (Amen-User since 2014)EVERYDAY, ONE VERSEStart your day with a verse. If you like to be......

14. Bible lexicon

Bible lexicon Bible lexicon (Bible study) is full-featured off-line Bible study tool. Internet connectivity is only requierd for downloading new modules. Once modules are downloaded, they're available entirely off-line without any internet connection.Read Bibles, browse lexicons, search concordances, translate texts, create vocabulary to memorize - everything that helps you dig into Biblical......

15. Bible Explorer

Bible Explorer Bible Explorer is the fastest and easiest to use free bible study software. Over 3,400 Bible and Bible reference works available!Bible Explorer libraries puts the world's best study resources right at your fingertips but they are organized with such logic and simplicity, you'll never by overwhelmed by information provided -......