Top 15 BookBaby Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

BookBaby digitally distributes the works of independent authors, poets, memoirists, and publishers, making their eBooks available on Apple’s iBookstore in all the available regions and territories. We are part of the CD Baby family (the world's largest online distributor of independent music), which has paid out over 150 million dollars to artists just like you.

1. Mailpin

Mailpin Mailpin -- Publish an email as a web page: mail to and get a sharable URL. Ad hoc album, PDF viewer, microblogging, email sharing on social network, .........

2. Pollen

Pollen Pollen is a publishing system that helps authors create beautiful and functional web-based books. Pollen includes tools for writing, designing, programming, testing, and publishing.......

3. Corel Ventura

Corel Ventura Corel Ventura is found primarily in business publishing and excels at long document publishing. XML Import, Publish to PDF, Table Tags, Prepress/Preflight options, and Bitmap effects were some of the enhancements to the software.......

4. DocBook

DocBook DocBook is a schema (available in several languages including RELAX NG, SGML and XML DTDs, and W3C XML Schema) maintained by the DocBook Technical Committee of OASIS. It is particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these......

5. Lucidpress

Lucidpress Lucidpress is a web-based design and layout application that enables anyone to create beautiful print and digital documents.PERFECT FOR PRINT: We've eliminated the frustration of traditional layout tools -- easily create flyers, brochures, newsletters, magazines, and photobooks. DYNAMIC FOR DIGITAL: Quickly create digital documents for viewing on a computer, tablet,......

6. SpringPublisher

SpringPublisher SpringPublisher is a professional and easy to use desktop publishing software. With its included various templates and online template store, powerful multi-layer editor, detailed help-files, SpringPublisher enables you to design and print Business Card, Flyer, Postcard, Letterhead and other artworks within a few minutes.Features:1. Enables you to add images, texts,......

7. Pubit

Pubit PubIt! titles can be purchased anywhere that Barnes & Noble NOOKbooks are sold and can be read on our NOOK devices and our popular NOOK apps for iPad™, iPhone™, Android™ smartphones and PC. Thousands of publishers and authors have already taken advantage of this unique opportunity to sell their books.Barnes......

8. Booktango

Booktango Gone are the days when you have to struggle through confusing e-book publishing tools that force you to either give up all control or figure everything out by yourself. With Booktango, we give you access to the right mix of time-saving professional services, DIY ingenuity and a network of the......

9. QuarkXPress

QuarkXPress Computer application for creating and editing complex page layouts in a WYSIWYG environment. It runs on Mac OS X and Windows. It was first released by Quark, Inc. in 1987 and is still owned and published by them. The most recent version is QuarkXPress 8 and it allows publishing in......

10. Tackk

Tackk Tackk is a publishing platform that empowers users to publish one off pages instead of building entire websites. The target focus is for the teenage demographic, who have plenty of social sharing tools at their disposal but no go-to publishing utility for their needs (in the classroom and beyond).......

11. Serif CraftArtist

Serif CraftArtist The next edition of the amazing CraftArtist Professional software is here! CraftArtist 2 Professional is brand new and brimming with amazing new features for you to get crafting with! It’s easier than ever to make cards, scrapbooks, invitations, photobooks, party crafts and more! Has very strong ties to a mostly......

12. RunMags

RunMags Run a profitable magazineModern magazine publishers use RunMags Magazine Publishing Software to sell advertising, attract subscribers, manage production and get paid.## Sales and contractsRunMags is a CRM system and magazine publishing software that help sales reps stay focused on closing advertising deals.## Teamwork and planningA closed advertising contract automatically updates......

13. NextHub

NextHub NextHub allows users to connect and interact in communities centered around shared interests.......

14. let's you publish your articles and posts with ease. Once you arrive at the app, just start typing and press 'Publish' and voila, your article is live. Keep your secret so you can come back and edit the same post is free software and is licensed under the......

15. Listography

Listography Create your lists, preserve your story, and stay inspired."Take dictation please. Possible candidates for kite flying society". — Max Fischer, Rushmore.Listography provides users (listographers) of all ages an easy-to-use tool for creative list writing and sharing. And through list making, you can shape an autobiography. A listography is a perpetual......