Top 13 GNU General Public License Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is the most widely used free software license, which guarantees end users (individuals, organizations, companies) the freedoms to use, study, share (copy), and modify the software. Software that allows these rights is called free software and if the software is copyleft ensures those are retained. The GPL demands both. The license was originally written by Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for the GNU project.


WTFPL The WTFPL is a very permissive license for software and other scientific or artistic works that offers a great degree of freedom. In fact, it is probably the best license out there.......

2. Creative Commons

Creative Commons Creative Commons licenses provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors, artists, and educators.......

3. vichan

vichan A modern, full featured and actively developed imageboard engine (similar to Futaba, Kusaba and 4chan). Based on (and compatible with) Tinyboard.......

4. Freedom

Freedom Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create. At the end of your selected offline period, Freedom re-enables your network, restoring......

5. 16chan

16chan Infinity Next (16chan) is an imageboard using the Laravel Framework. It was conceived as a way to replace existing free imageboard software that have aged poorly. Infinity Next is completely free to use, but modifications to the source code must be made open source as well.Infinity Next is distributed under......

6. Bart VPN

Bart VPN BartVPN is intelligent software which works hard for you, encryptingyour connection with the Internet, but at the same time it doesn’trequire any maintenance. When using BartVPN, you can safelyand easily use the Internet. Invisibility:- Your ISP or IT providers won't see what are you "googling".- You will not spread information......

7. PersonalHeroes

PersonalHeroes PersonalHeroes uses collective intelligence, to turn peer to peer positive impact into your "Positive Impact Records". This allows you to measure & keep track of your impact in the world. A new compass to decide what type of people you want to interact with at work, on your social life......

8. Lpro

Lpro Program for checking the licenses of installed programs. It displays the license, distribution conditions, approximate cost (if the program is paid) and a freely available replacement (if any).Functionality Lpro:Search for paid, shareware and free programs on the computer;Search for programs by name in the database;Search for program traces in the......

9. TLDRLegal

TLDRLegal Sorry, we have added any description on TLDRLegal......

10. Mozilla Public License

Mozilla Public License The Mozilla Public License (MPL) is a free, open source, and detailed software license developed and maintained by the Mozilla Foundation. It is characterized as a hybridization of the modified BSD license and GNU General Public License (GPL) that seeks to balance the concerns of proprietary and open source developers.......

11. Labs64 NetLicensing

Labs64 NetLicensing NetLicensing is a first-class solution in the Licensing as a Service (LaaS) sector. Based on open standards, it provides a cost effective, integrated and scalable license management solution for software vendors and developers who want to concentrate on their product's core functionality instead of spending resources on developing an own......

12. Fripost

Fripost Fripost – the Free Email Association.Fripost organize the people who want an alternative to "free" e-mail services where you are constantly under surveillance and personal data is handed over to third parties.......

13. Aegora

Aegora lets you leverage your professional network to build businesses and make money. Promote yourself and your business, free. Network with friends, colleagues and like-minded professionals. Find high-quality clients in your trust network. Hire trusted professionals recommended by friends. Manage projects and get paid automatically. Create efficient, low-overhead businesses and......