Top 15 PaintCode Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

PaintCode is a simple vector drawing app that instantly generates resolution-independent Objective-C, Swift or C# Xamarin.

You no longer have to tweak and recompile your drawing code over and over again to achieve the desired result. With PaintCode, a graphic designer with no programming experience can draw beautiful controls, icons and other user interface elements, and the app automatically generates code that is equally beautiful.

1. Ra

Ra A text editor and file manager for your local file system.FEATURES- Open files and folders from your local file system.- Create, rename or delete files and folders.- Copy and paste of files and folders.- Show or hide tree view of open folders.- Auto-save of editor changes.- Auto-refresh of external file......

2. Kakoune

Kakoune Kakoune is a code editor heavily inspired by Vim, as such most of its commands are similar to vi’s ones.Kakoune can operate in two modes, normal and insertion. In insertion mode, keys are directly inserted into the current buffer. In normal mode, keys are used to manipulate the current selection......

3. Quiver

Quiver Quiver is a notebook built for programmers. It lets you easily mix text, code and Markdown within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX cells, and find any note instantly via the full-text search.## Mix Text, Code and MarkdownA note in Quiver is......

4. Vim

Vim Vim ("Vi IMproved") is an advanced text editor that allows syntax highlighting, word completion and has a huge amount of contributed content.Vim offers several “modes” for editing with efficiency. This makes vim a non-user-friendly application but it is also a strength. The normal mode binds alphanumeric keys to task-oriented commands.......

5. QuartzCode

QuartzCode QuartzCode is a fast, lightweight and powerful animation tool that turn vector drawing and animation to Objective C and Swift code.Core Animation library is now at your fingertips. Just change any properties; you will see animation changes in real time. Using QuartzCode, you can iterate any animation within seconds, at......

6. CodeWright

CodeWright CodeWright® 7.5, the programmer's editing system,™ is designed to boost productivity with peer-to-peer connectivity for remote communication and file editing.Timesaving features include advanced search and replace, an editable Difference Window, syntax coloring, code intelligence, and customizable templates and snippets for code reuse. Tailor CodeWright options and keymaps to enhance usability.......

7. WebCode

WebCode WebCode is a vector drawing app that instantly generates JavaScript+Canvas, CSS+HTML or SVG code. WebCode also imports SVG and PSD files, so if you already have some of these, you can easily reuse them.You will no longer have to write the drawing code by hand. Your drawings will be converted......

8. Beziercode

Beziercode Beziercode is intuitive vector drawing that generate objective c code......

9. Nanobox

Nanobox Nanobox is the ideal platform for developers allowing you to focus on code, not config, by removing the need to deal with environment configuration and dev-ops complexity.Nanobox provides an instant dev environment customized to your language and framework, running everything in isolated virtual containers to avoid cluttering your workstation.By creating......

10. LittleIpsum

LittleIpsum The best Latin text generator for OS X.Incredibly quick and lightweight.And it’s completely free!Features• Ability to wrap generated text in HTML tags• Generates words, sentences or paragraphs• Random output using actual Latin words• Fast, simple, easy to use• Lightweight & low on system resources• Supports Growl notifications• Lives in the......

11. AppFollow is a monitor for reviews, keywords, sales in App Store, Google Play, and Windows Store. Integrations with Slack, HipChat, etc.......

12. Expressions

Expressions Expressions is a minimal, distraction-free tool for experimenting with regular expressions.FEATURES- Minimalistic, non–distractive user interface.- Dark and light themes and full-screen mode.- Pattern syntax highlighting.- Pattern and text group highlighting.......

13. Gluon Scene Builder

Gluon Scene Builder Scene Builder works with the JavaFX ecosystem – official controls, community projects, and Gluon offerings including Gluon Mobile, Gluon Desktop, and Gluon CloudLink.......

14. ndm

ndm ndm - formally npm desktop manager - is the Cross-platform desktop GUI for npm.With ndm you can manage npm, npm projects and npm packages with ease.......

15. LunaticSMTP

LunaticSMTP LunaticSMTP is a dummy SMTP server with desktop GUI for testing email sending applications.To use it, start LunaticSMTP and configure your application to use 'localhost' as it's SMTP server. Now it will catch messages sent to it and allow you to view them.Written in JavaFX. Requires Java 8+. License: GPLv3+.......