Top 15 Propane Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Propane is a desktop version of Campfire , a web-based group chat tool. Conducting group chats in a web browser is a huge win, but if you use Campfire for hours every day, a web browser simply can't deliver the desktop-grade experience you expect from an application that's "always on".

With a clean interface, smart drag-and-drop, custom notifications and more, Propane makes Campfire a joy to use on a Mac.

1. Chatwing

Chatwing is the best live chat widget and chat software for websites and blogs. Chatwing can be an alternative and online chat solution for bloggers and websites to offer live chat on sites and provide a great interactive experience for users. The free shoutbox and chat box chatwing delivers is......

2. LibraryH3lp

LibraryH3lp LibraryH3lp provides a flexible, affordable chat software for libraries and non-profits spanning web, mobile, and IM.......

3. Cbox

Cbox Cbox – chat for the social webGet a Cbox and add a new dimension of interaction to your website or blog. Cbox is a unique chat and messaging application that brings the best features of traditional chat and tagging systems to the social web. And the best part – Cbox......

4. Flint

Flint Flint is a full-featured and simple Campfire client designed to let you do what you need and get out of your way.Features: Fast, completely native interface made for Lion Growl notifications, dock badges, and sound notifications for messages Shows user avatars for a more friendly experience Supports multiple......

5. LiveChat Starter Kit

LiveChat Starter Kit LCSK (LiveChat Starter Kit) is a free, open source LiveChat / LiveHelp application allowing you to offer live support to your website visitors.......

6. Nota

Nota Casual Collaboration. Mash your ideas and media together with friends in a dynamic whiteboard wiki. Using photos, videos, and other web content you can instantly create brainstorms, presentations, scrapbooks, and enjoy an interactive chat with more than 50 friends.......

7. Kageshi

Kageshi Free Open Community Based Video Chat. If you're tired of all the 10.5 billion rules when chatting with friends, we'd love to be your new home!......

8. Walkaround

Walkaround Walkaround is a variant of Wave, based on the Apache Wave code base, that runs on App Engine. Walkaround can import waves from to allow users to keep working with their data after is shut down.Much of the walkaround code is not specific to Wave, but factored out......

9. Zopim

Zopim Zopim is a simple chat widget that lets you sell directly to your website visitors. Easy Setup"60 seconds is all it takes, from getting an account to seeing the chat widget on your site. Tried and tested by non-technical users." One-time SetupTo see the chat widget on your site, simply......

10. Your World of Text

Your World of Text Your World of Text is an infinite piece of paper that anyone can write on. The changes made by other people appear live on your screen.......

11. Zent.IO

Zent.IO Zent.IO is a Contact Center Cloud Software Multichannel that unify chat, phone and e-mail. All the communication channels will be answered from a single interface. The agent will only need a web browserWhether we are a contact center inside a company or a contact center that provides services to customers......

12. PrimaryPaint

PrimaryPaint PrimaryPaint is a web-based painting tool designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time.......

13. Firehose Chat

Firehose Chat Firehose Chat makes it easy to carry on live conversations with people who visit your websites. They give you a snippet of code to paste into the HTML of your website and that's it! In the app, you'll see a list of everyone who is on your website. They'll see......

14. HelpCenter Live

HelpCenter Live Help Center Live is an open-source, community driven live chat & support system. You may easily provide live support on your website just like large companies do with very little work. With Help Center Live, you can provide a real-time, live support or sales person experience.......

15. EchoWaves

EchoWaves Opensource Social Group Chat written in Ruby On RailsEchoWaves is a Collaboration Tool and a Social Network. EchoWaves is as powerful as CampFire, and as simple to use as Twitter. Its built around conversations (convos) rather than users. Isnt it more natural for humans to socialize around convos?Why one more......