Top 15 Remoteinterview Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

Remote Interview is an online tool for tech recruiters to hire best programmers and coders by analyzing their coding skills.

1. At DevSKiller we make assessing programmers skills look like their 1st day at work, that’s the best way to recruit them. By using our online platform it’s easy to build custom exams from your own code base. With DevSKiller you are not limited to testing knowledge of programming languages, but......

2. CodeHS

CodeHS Teaching computer science to high school by providing web-based curriculum, teacher tools and resources, and professional development.......

3. The programmer testing solution that matches your job descriptions and helps you hire great developers faster.......

4. Kodiak PHP

Kodiak PHP The iPad finally allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad. Kodiak PHP is the only app that includes a native PHP interpreter.......

5. Kodiak JavaScript

Kodiak JavaScript Apps for developers, coders and programmers. Code in PHP and JavaScript directly on your iPad.......

6. CodeAvengers

CodeAvengers Code Avengers is the fun, easy way to learn Javascript, the computer programming language of the web. Learners of all ability will enjoy the free interactive online lessons. Be a Coding Superhero with Code Avengers......

7. Geektastic

Geektastic At Geektastic we help our client's thoroughly evaluate their future talent using our unique peer reviewed code challenge platform. We believe a candidate is worth more than a score and the only way to thoroughly understand how suitable they are to work in your team is to have a human......

8. Splint

Splint Splint is a tool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. With minimal effort, Splint can be used as a better lint. If additional effort is invested adding annotations to programs, Splint can perform stronger checking than can be done by any standard lint.......

9. Simple Code Editor

Simple Code Editor Features of Simple Code Editor include: Theming, Emmet support, a minimalist interface, syntax highlighting, and more.......

10. thinBasic

thinBasic thinBasic is a simple, flexible, and easy-to-learn interpreted programming language. It lets you quickly and easily develop programs for Windows. thinBasic was first released in 2004. Since then thinBasic has steadily improved thanks also to the help of a growing number of enthusiastic users. Although thinBasic is an interpreted language......

11. Codewars

Codewars Achieve code mastery through challenge.Improve your skills by training with others on real code challengesKataIn our dojo, kata are real code challenges focused on improving skill and technique. Some train programming fundamentals, while others focus on complex problem solving. Each kata is crafted for and by the community.Kyu/Dan RanksEach kata......

12. Kattis

Kattis Kattis helps companies make safer recruitments and attract the best developers with its dynamic challenge platform. With Kattis companies make sure developers make the cut before the technical interview saving time. Kattis can also be used to add code challenges to job-pages or for quality tests later in the recruitment......

13. Backand

Backand Uniquely providing both server side back-end and the application front-end, Backand uses advanced technologies, such as AngularJS and Bootstrap, combined with open source communities. The Backand cloud is then used to host and run the application on a scalable and reliable cloud application platform. Backand’s proprietary technology, combined with some......

14. tutorialspoint

tutorialspoint Free tutorials and reference manuals with examples for Computer Fundamentals, JSF, C Sharp, Flex, GWT, PL/SQL, Eclipse, JUnit, Pascal, Maven, Scala, Spring, Struts 2, HTML5, ANT, iBATIS, Django, JSP, JAVA, JDBC, AJAX, WAP, SQL, MySQL, C/C++, PERL, PHP, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, HTML, XHTML, CSS, CGI, Shell, Unix, JavaScript,......

15. Kite

Kite Internet-connected programming:Your editor and web browser don't know anything about each other, which is why you end up continuously switching between them. Kite bridges that gap, bringing an internet-connected programming experience right alongside your editor.Information without searching:Kite shows you all the information you need without you having to ask. Kite......