Top 15 Box2D Editor Alternative and Similar Games | May 2024

Since we have the physical engines we need the posibility to create the physical worlds, there you can find the physical world editor for the box2d engine, and their flash port. This tool should be useful for the flash game developers.

Box2D Editor

Tutorial 1 - Basic Interactions
Tutorial 2 - Using Joints
Tutorial 3 - Game Integration

Since we have the physical engines we need the posibility to create the physical worlds, there you can find the physical world editor for the box2d engine, and their flash port. This tool should be useful for the flash game developers.

1. R.U.B.E. (Really Useful Box2D Editor)

R.U.B.E. (Really Useful Box2D Editor) R.U.B.E stands for Really Useful Box2D Editor. This editor allows you to graphically manipulate a Box2D world and save it to a file. You can then load the saved file in your game/app and run the world. R.U.B.E can create any physics scene that Box2D itself can, with the exception......

2. PhysicsEditor

PhysicsEditor PhysicsEditor is a GUI tool to create collision shapes within seconds! Without specifying any additional options PhysicsEditor already creates very good results, but you also have enough options available to adjust things to your needs.......

3. FizzX

FizzX With the FizzX Box2D editor tool, you no longer need to manually hand code the creation of Box2D bodies and joints.Instead, by visually drawing you can dramatically increase your productiviy allowing rapid prototyping and easy changes.......

4. Crayon Physics Deluxe

Crayon Physics Deluxe Crayon Physics Deluxe is a 2D physics puzzle / sandbox game, in which you get to experience what it would be like if your drawings would be magically transformed into real physical objects. Solve puzzles with your artistic vision and creative use of physics.......

5. The Powder Toy

The Powder Toy The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox game, it simulates air pressure and velocity as well as heat!......

6. Physics Body Editor

Physics Body Editor Physics Body Editor is all about making your life easier with physics engines. Specifically, it targets the creation of collision shapes for your game objects: we call them rigid bodies. It can also let you combine these objects together and link them with joints to create complex objects: we call......

7. Phaser

Phaser Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.......

8. OpenFL

OpenFL Build games and applications for almost every platform imaginable -- Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Firefox OS, Tizen, Flash and even HTML5. Bring your creative vision to life, on desktops, tablets, phones, even consoles. Publish to Steam, Amazon, OUYA... practically anywhere.Easy-to-UseAccelerate your workflow with the fast, easy-to-use Flash API,......

9. Atomic Game Engine

Atomic Game Engine The Atomic Game Engine features a cross-platform editor with deployment to Windows, OSX, Linux, WebGL, Android, and iOS. Applications can be built using JavaScript, TypeScript, native C++, and C# scripting is in development. The Atomic Game Engine is a full source solution under the permissive MIT License on GitHub......

10. Angel2D

Angel2D A cross-platform 2D game prototyping framework based on OpenGL and C++.Angel balances the speed and flexibility of native code with an eye towards rapid iteration and out-of-the-box functionality. In a world of web games and memory-managed scripting engines, sometimes you still want to get your hands dirty — but that......

11. N : The way of the Ninja

N : The way of the Ninja N is an award-winning 2D action/puzzle platformer reminiscent of lode runner: you're a tiny stick figure running around in a puzzle-y world inhabited by enemies. But in N, there's a twist: the ninja is driven not only by thirst for gold, but also by sweet physics simulation.N is available on......

12. GamePlay 2D/3D

GamePlay 2D/3D GamePlay is an open-source, cross-platform, C++ game framework/engine for creating 2D/3D mobile and desktop games.......

13. OpenGOO

OpenGOO A free and open clone of World Of Goo. Dedicated to Aurélie. It utilises qt and opengl for graphic and objects interaction and Box2d for the physics.......

14. Powder Game

Powder Game Imagine the cool phenomenon when the wind blows the falling leaves.This game simulates the phenomenon with powder (dots)!......

15. Monkey X

Monkey X Monkey is a modular language. You can create your own custom modules and use other people's - including the awesome box2d and minib3d modules!......