Top 15 Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. Numbeo provides current and timely information on world living conditions including cost of living, housing indicators, health care, traffic, crime and pollution.
880422 prices in 3656 cities entered by 103637 users (information updated 2013-08-22)

1. Diffimg

Diffimg DiffImg is a simple image comparison tool which take two images with the same size as input. Some statitics are computed and the positions where pixel differ are displayed as a color mask.Why check for image difference ? - Compression level comparison - Raytracing parametrization optimisation - Non regression tests......

2. SemanticMerge

SemanticMerge SemanticMerge - The diff and merge tool that understands C#,, Java and now C......

3. Website grader

Website grader An online tool where you can rank the visibility of a website against multiple categories like google, alexa, keywords and general search engine aspects to see how it compares against 2 competitors as well as what can be done to improve it......

4. Nerdwallet

Nerdwallet NerdWallet is a free tool to find you the best credit card offers, cd rates, savings and checking accounts, insurance, and other financial products. Start here to maximize your rewards or minimize your interest rates.......

5. Versus

Versus Compare tablets, cameras, televisions, mobile phones, e-readers, projectors, monitors, MP3 players, voice recorders, washing machines, combo washer dryers, tumble dryers, speakers, cities, headphones, mobile phone headsets, PC and gaming headsets, scanners, camcorders, CPUs......

6. SpectraBuy

SpectraBuy SpectraBuy is a shopping comparison website. It aims to save you time and money by providing a way to search Amazon and eBay together and showing you the best matching results from each, together on one page. You can also specify a myriad of options to refine your search.......

7. SpecOut

SpecOut is a product comparison site with detailed information and specs on thousands of gadgets.Whether you're in the market for a smartphone, motherboard, or smartwatch, SpecOut is here to put the specs in context and give you the confidence you need to be the self-proclaimed geekiest person on the block.......

8. Diffen

Diffen Compare anything to find similarities and differences. Read, improve or create comparisons.......

9. With you can compare products and a lot more. Through the clear charts the differences are emphasized and so decision making is easier. The purpose of vsChart is to show differences between things in clear side-by-side comparisons and make decisions easier.Like on Wikipedia, anyone can edit every entry directly......

10. CompareBetween

CompareBetween is a free online resource for finding and comparing differences and similarities between any entities.......

11. pFind

pFind Offers product research platforms where users can find various products and categorized lists of products. The detailed profiles also offers web visibility and various featured offered by the product. Users can contribute new products or claim their products.......

12. Passport Index

Passport Index Passport Index curates, sorts and ranks the world's passports. Explore passport designs, browse them by visa-free score, by color, or by country and discover how they rank. Which passport do you like best?......

13. CivilHub

CivilHub CivilHub is a free and open-source platform written in Python & Django for the purpose of collaboration in local civic communities.......

14. Gazettr

Gazettr Tell a story about a place you visited or loved, add it to the map, share your experience with your friends on your favourite social network.......

15. virtourist

virtourist Sorry, we have added any description on virtourist......