Top 5 XOXY Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

XOXY is the world's first self initiated mobile credential for the dating population, which confirms identity, no felonies or sex offenses, a current date stamped photo, a user registry and an STD check. 1.1 Million Americans have STD and 16% are unaware, one in three women are sexually assaulted with $85 million defrauded annually from Americans in dating scams. XOXY provides an enhanced level of safety and security and can be used online and in person.

1. LeakBase

LeakBase Check if your account credentials have been leaked.......

2. SuRun

SuRun SuRun eases using Windows 2000 to Windows Vista with limited user rights. With SuRun you can start applications with elevated rights without needing administrator credentials. Note: site is in German but app is translated to English.......

3. Remote Desktop Plus

Remote Desktop Plus Launch a Remote Desktop session and automatically log you in from the command line or a GUI. Features credential profiles, favorites and a system tray. Also boasts some special features for publishing Remote Desktop shortcuts, like a kiosk mode, restricted targets and logging.......

4. Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager Remote Desktop Manager lets you centralize all your remote connections, passwords and credentials into a unique platform that people love to work with.Connect any session types, such as: RDP, SSH, ARD, Web, VNC, Telnet, ICA/HDX, TeamViewer, LogMeIn and many more.Browse shared folders or cloud repositories, such as DropBox, Amazon S3,......

5. Password Vault Manager

Password Vault Manager Password Vault Manager lets you and your team centralize your organization’s passwords and credentials into one secure repository.Manage user security rights and access, reduce help desk support calls and strengthen your network security by generating only strong and unique passwords.Password Vault Manager is your all-in-one solution to streamline password management.......