Top 10 ManualsLib Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Looking for a manual online? ManualsLib is here to help you save time spent on searching. Our database consists of more than 1969939 pdf files and becomes bigger every day! Search results include manual name, description, size and number of pages. You can either read manual online or download it to your computer. Moreover, documents can be shared on social networks.

1. ManOpen

ManOpen ManOpen is a MacOS X GUI application for viewing Unix manual pages, which are the standard documentation for Unix command line programs, programmer libraries, and other system information. It can open files directly or be given titles, in which case it will display the output from the `man' command-line program.......

2. Linux man-pages

Linux man-pages The Linux man-pages project documents the Linux kernel and C library interfaces that are employed by user-space programs. This package contains over 1,900 man pages.......

3. man2html

man2html man2html a Perl program that reads formatted nroff text from standard input (stdin) and writes a HTML document to standard output (stdout). A CGI program is provided to allow hypertext navigation of a system's manpages via a web browser.......

4. MacSnapper

MacSnapper MacSnapper is a tool to make from annotated snapshots and images awesome web pages and PDFs in seconds.......

5. ManualAgent

ManualAgent is a collection of manuals involving computers, electronics, furniture, which are closely related to your daily life. Totally, it provides thousands of manuals and guides for you to download and print. So when you are having trouble in dealing with your computers or electronic products only to find the......

6. Helpinator

Helpinator Single source, multiformat, multilingual help authoring tool with screenshot capture and annotation, WYSIWYG editor, styles, templates, built-in tutorial maker. Generates CHM help files, manuals in PDF format, WebHelp and Printed Manuals.......

7. Fail2ban

Fail2ban Sorry, we have added any description on Fail2ban......

8. StepShot

StepShot StepShot is a powerful and yet simple to use tool that enables you to create detailed step-by-step procedure guide or manual. With StepShot you can:- Easily capture the sequence of your steps. StepShot will follow your cursor and every click will produce a screenshot;- Annotate images with title and description,......

9. man-db

man-db man-db is an implementation of the standard Unix documentation system accessed using the man command. It uses a Berkeley DB database in place of the traditional flat-text whatis databases. man-db is used by several popular GNU/Linux distributions.......

10. BlueSpice for MediaWiki

BlueSpice for MediaWiki This freely available OpenSource Software Wikipedia’s popular software engine MediaWiki into a fully-fledged EnterpriseWiki solution. Companies can continue cherishing MediaWiki’s numerous advantages and automation capabilities; with BlueSpice, they can now work even more comfortably, safely and more effectively.Compered with basic MediaWiki, BlueSpice provides, amongst other, the following enhancements:1. Comfortable and......