Top 15 Clipboard History 2 Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Clipboard History 2
Keep all of your clipboard history, rollback any item!

— Search and navigate via clipboard history items
— Send your clipboard history items to secure Cloud storage
— Input fields integration
— Multiple actions and export to a file
— Smart options for storing and sorting items
— Keyboard navigation

1. GPaste

GPaste Sorry, we have added any description on GPaste......

2. Browser Clipboard

Browser Clipboard Browser Clipboard makes copy/paste easy by providing a panel that can hold multiple items......

3. Shapeshifter

Shapeshifter Shapeshifter is a clipboard utility for managing your clipboard history in Windows. Shapeshifter supports text, HTML, videos, files, pictures and even customized data between applications.......

4. automatically and seamlessly saves everything (i.e. files, folders, graphics, texts, URLs, emails) you work with and gives you an easy way to organize it. is the peace of mind that is missing when you work on important documents, thesis, graphics and more. will help you manage, organize......

5. Free Clipboard Viewer

Free Clipboard Viewer Free Clipboard Viewer is a free, full-featured and portable clipboard viewer for Windows.......

6. Clipple

Clipple Have you troubled with the default clipboard system which cannot contain multiple texts at once.Overwriting the content of clipboard with the other text accidentally.Clipple provides the extended clipboard system to the Firefox, which allows you to store and paste multiple texts.It's easy to use. You doesn't need to do special.......

7. Genius Clipboard Manager

Genius Clipboard Manager genius is a complete clipboard manager with system-wide shortcut support and many more features for windows and linux operating systems. genius is a free open source application......

8. Clipjump

Clipjump Clipjump : The Utlimate Clipboard Manager for WindowsClipjump is a Multiple-Clipboard management utility for Windows. It allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transferred to your clipboard will get automatically transferred to the Multiple-Clipboards. It's fast , it's easy, it's magic. Why should one......

9. ClipClip

ClipClip ClipClip is a Windows clipboard manager software that will revolutionize the way you use copy and paste. It allows you to view your clipboard and analyze the content, so you can later edit it and organize as per your preferences. So, you’ll basically be able to open your clipboard and......

10. Snipd

Snipd Save videos, images, and text as you surf.No installation required!......

11. keystarter

keystarter Keystarter 1.0 - this software can automate your keyboard, joystick, or mouse movements. you are able to make 3d button icons with autohokey command scripts. These buttons can: send text, send keystroke (shortcuts) combinations [without focus the windows], run a application or run any kind of batch scripting languages. you......

12. Copy Space

Copy Space Do you copy and paste text, images and links often and managing this content can be a problem for you? No worries, as Copy Space is here to help! With our app you can copy all types of content, be it written, in the form of images or even entire......

13. SnipNotes

SnipNotes *** Intelligent note-taking *** • SnipNotes will categorize your notes automatically and lets you filter based on their type• Each category comes with a set of actions: You can call phone numbers, view addresses in Maps and much more• You can use these actions in the main app, the notification......

14. Text Monkey

Text Monkey Text Monkey Pro operates on text while it resides on the Windows clipboard, extending the functionality of every program you use. In that sense it's like WOTS Clippy. The features of the two programs overlap, but there are significant differences, and big differences in operation. - Pros of Text Monkey:--......

15. ixPaste

ixPaste Do you ever find yourself going back and copying something that you've already copied in the past? Copying and pasting is a second nature to us in this information age, yet you can only copy one thing at a time. ixPaste is here to fix that. ixPaste is a......