Top 5 SMERGERS Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jun 2024

Mergers & Acquisitions and Fundraising Platform for
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Deal Professionals

1. eFinancialModels

eFinancialModels eFinancialModels provides a marketplace to share financial model templates powered by industry know-how. Skilled financial modelers may share or sell their financial model templates via its platform. The spreadsheet templates are industry specific and include financial plans, DCF valuation, IRR analysis, etc.......

2. Zapflow

Zapflow Zapflow is a power tool that helps professional investors to finally ditch locally stored Excel sheets to move towards seamless deal flow, deal portfolio management. It has been developed for VC, PE, M&A and accelerators. Zapflow keeps track of incoming deals for faster processing and supports decision making with a......

3. BizBroker24

BizBroker24 BizBroker24 is the Worldwide Leader in Buying & Selling Websites & Internet Businesses, Website Broker, Free Business Valuation, Business Websites and Domains for sale, Established Website for Sale......

4. InspireBL (Inspire Business League)

InspireBL (Inspire Business League) At InspireBL (Inspire Business League) (pronounced in-spahyuh r-uh-buh l), we believe that each of us has immense potential to inspire & be inspired to succeed in business & beyond.InspireBL is global community of people who inspire & succeed through business (incl. trade, partnerships, funding, deals, jobs, freelance, pro-bono and lot......

5. Exit With Noah

Exit With Noah Noah helps failing startups pass on their valuable assets to other companies.While a failing startup might not make it big, it does make it somewhere. When it shuts down, thousands of website visitors, newsletter subscribers and active users are lost. Noah's mission is to rescue these assets, and find them......