Top 15 Live GIF Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Save and share your Live Photos as GIFs and videos!
Expand your creativity with your Live Photos. Save as a GIF and edit with any GIF editing app, or save as a video and open in your video editor. Quickly share to Facebook, iMessage, Twitter, Email, Instagram, and more.
Live GIF is built to be quick and simple - no complicated flows, no sign up, just open your Live Photos and share them.

1. Motion Stills

Motion Stills Motion Stills is a pilot from Google that brings your Live Photos back to life with advanced stabilization and rendering. Turn your photos into GIFs that loop forever, or edit them together into epic movies.FEATURES- Turn your Live Photos into cinematic and beautiful Motion Stills with Google’s stabilization technology.- Share......

2. GIF Director

GIF Director GIF Director is a sharp tool to convert your video files to GIFs. GIF Director can help you make a funny GIF from video very easily. It support almost all popular formats of video files, such as FLV, WMV, AVI, MOV, MP4, etc., You can do crop, add some text......

3. ImgPlay

ImgPlay ImgPlay can make GIFs or videos using LIVE Photos, photos, burst photos, and video at the easiest.Make and share GIFs with friends quickly.It is the best GIF Maker of the iPhone/iPad. very simple! no complicated!ImgPlay that can make you feel the moment you shot videos and photos more lively!Make your......

4. Fast online animated GIF Maker and Editor. Upload and edit GIF images for free. Create, crop, resize, reverse, optimize and split animated gifs with ease.......

5. High-Speed Camera

High-Speed Camera Make your smart phone as a silent High-Speed Camera!Do not miss important moments never!* Taking high-speed pictures(Up to 40 shots per second)* Various camera shutters (High-Speed, High-Definition, Silent)* Creating animated GIF* Easy to use1. Supports high-speed shots(Up to 40 FPS).- Faster than normal DSLR camera.- Supports preview or auto save......

6. GifShare

GifShare Gifshare helps you share awesome GIFs to your favorite social networks!Save any GIF from the web to your camera roll. Select it, crop it, scale it , speed it up or slow it down, and you're ready to post!GifShare allows you to:-Easily search GIFs with search or choose from camera......

7. Giffing Tool

Giffing Tool Giffing Tool is simply put: The fastest creator of high quality captioned GIFs available.Simply drag across your screen to record movies, YouTube videos, and even existing GIFs. Software is pay what you want, or free.......

8. Movies 13

Movies 13 Movies 13 is a GIF-Animator with 98 animation wizards including text and actor wizards. Edit existing animations, create new from imported images or from images created with integrated Movies Draw. Features: GIF explorer, GIF optimizer, quick backgrounds, smart shape (100 shapes with 25 gradient fills, rotated text etc.), animate selected......

9. Gifninja

Gifninja Gifninja is an online service that allows you to create animated GIFs from multiple image files or from a video and split an animated GIF in separate images.......

10. Instagiffer

Instagiffer Instagiffer creates animations directly from online video sites like Youtube, and nearly any video file format (mkv, flv, avi, etc). It is free and doesn't put any ads on your GIF. And best of all, it's easy to use. Just add a video or URL, tweak your settings and upload......

11. VideoGIF

VideoGIF VideoGIF for Mac is a simple and versatile video to GIF maker that allows you to transfer any video clip into animated GIFs with a few clicks.......

12. Gifsoup

Gifsoup Youtube to Animated GIF, Create animated GIFs from YouTube videos easy and FREE. Simply copy and paste the URL into our form, and click Create to get started.......

13. LunaPic

LunaPic LunaPic is an online photo editor that allows you to edit, crop, rotate and resize images, add effects to your photos, create slideshows, animation and collagesand convert video to gifs.......

14. GifLab

GifLab Whether you're looking to create a Gif of a fun family moment, a favorite sports highlight to share, or a goofy selfie to send to your friends on group chat, GifLab is the app for you.Features:- Turn your own videos into GIFs- Share GIFs to Instagram by easily converting to......

15. Burstio

Burstio Burstio can browse your burst photos taken with the built-in Camera app. Play burst photos and convert them into a video or an animated GIF.Features:• Play a burst sequence as a regular video• Set playback speed — slow down or increase the frame rate of the burst sequence• Set playback......