Top 15 Songfacts Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Songfacts is a searchable database of song information where you can find out the stories behind the songs, get the lyrics, and watch the videos. We hope using this site will help you better understand and enjoy the songs you listen to, and invite you to share your thoughts about the songs in the comments section. It provides the album, year the song was released, highest US and UK chart position, and Songfacts about each song.

1. WhatSong

WhatSong Listen to the soundtracks and complete list of full-length songs from the latest movies and TV shows.......

2. What Is That Song?

What Is That Song? What is that song is the best place on the Internet to find the identity of the songs you hear on TV commercials, TV shows, movies, the radio and more. You can locate, listen and download the songs too.......

3. Song Detective

Song Detective Song Detective lists and posts songs from movies and TV Shows. Find the songs from the latest movies and shows and download your favorites!......

4. HeardOnTV

HeardOnTV provides a collection of music listing from your favorite tv shows and movies.Just watched a tv show, looking for the music you just heard? Look no further.You can contribute by adding the title of a song you just heard.FEATURES* Browse music heard in your favorite tv shows and movies*......

5. ACRCloud

ACRCloud ACRCloud provides best audio fingerprinting services for companies and developers to build ACR ( Automatic Content Recognition ) abilities such as audios and videos recognition, broadcast monitoring ( music / ads ) , live TV channel detection, copyright detection and so on. Free users can send 100 queries per day.Features-......

6. Entora

Entora Have you ever missed the latest movie by the director whose films you admire, a TV show starring your favorite actor, a recent album with a musician you love or a new book from the author whose work you enjoy? Well, we're about to change all that.Entora is your one-stop......

7. TuneFind

TuneFind Have you ever heard a great new song on your favorite TV show and wondered what it was? The amazing users at TuneFind have your answer. Dedicated TV viewers enter and verify the music heard on all your favorite TV shows, making it easy for you to find, listen to,......

8. is a huge archive of more than 30,000 theme songs.......

9. SoundHound

SoundHound SoundHound is a music search and discovery app that listens to what is being played around you. Tap the orange button to instantly identify songs and see lyrics, share, stream, buy or simply explore more about artists you know and love or have just discovered.Have a song stuck in your......

10. Pindify

Pindify The space between “starving artist” and “rich and famous” is beginning to collapse. The “creative class” is no longer emerging: it’s here, now. Creators are finding ways to make a living making music, producing film, writing, designing art, video-blogging, recording podcasts and more. Pindify empowers the Creative Class by providing......

11. Movie4u

Movie4u Movie4u is a HD Movies and TV Show platform, you can browse and Watch the Latest Movies and TV Shows online.......

12. VEVO

VEVO VEVO is the world's leading all-premium music video and entertainment platform.VEVO is available in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Spain and United Kingdom through, the mobile web, Mobile and Tablet Apps (iPhone , iPad, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry Playbook), Connected Television (Xbox, Roku,......

13. Redy movies

Redy movies Collect all your movies and tv shows in one place.Redy Movies is a new media manager that scans your device and network folders (SMB/CIFS shares) for movies and tv shows. It automatically identifies them, downloads cover art and present them in a clean and orderly way. Subtitles are downloaded easily......

14. Shazam

Shazam Shazam gives instant satisfaction for when you want to know the name of that song playing on the radio. Just point your phone towards the music source to identify the track- you can also buy it instantly or share your discovery with friends and family.......

15. Mixx Wire

Mixx Wire Mixx Wire is a free online music streaming service like Spotify. Users can search for songs and create playlists.......