Top 15 Beat Finder Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Find the name of any music playing in your browser.

Can't find the name of a song you've heard online:
Open this plugin on a page with the audio playing and it will give you the song name, along with YouTube and Spotify links.

Works with all social network sites as well as video streaming sites.

Detects music with incredible accuracy and gives all the information you need to find the song again.

1. SoundHound

SoundHound SoundHound is a music search and discovery app that listens to what is being played around you. Tap the orange button to instantly identify songs and see lyrics, share, stream, buy or simply explore more about artists you know and love or have just discovered.Have a song stuck in your......

2. ACRCloud

ACRCloud ACRCloud provides best audio fingerprinting services for companies and developers to build ACR ( Automatic Content Recognition ) abilities such as audios and videos recognition, broadcast monitoring ( music / ads ) , live TV channel detection, copyright detection and so on. Free users can send 100 queries per day.Features-......

3. Turn Off the Lights

Turn Off the Lights The entire page will be fading to dark, so you can watch the video as if you were in the cinema.With a single click on the lamp button, the page will fade to dark. And automatically focus on the video. By clicking on it again, the page will return to......

4. Sound Search for Google Play

Sound Search for Google Play “What's this song?”Sound Search for Google Play is a widget that can help you recognize music and songs playing around you. Sound Search for Google Play is available in the United States on devices running Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and higher.Use Sound Search for Google Play to: Identify songs......

5. Helloumi

Helloumi Helloumi is a Conversational Commerce manager that integrates the main instant messaging apps on a single platform. It allows you to talk to users in real time right where they naturally are. Multi-agent features makes it perfect for teams to efficiently support, communicate or sell. Create support tickets with its......

6. YodelTalk

YodelTalk Yodel is your business phone solution integrated in chat platforms including Slack, Hipchat or Facebook Messenger. You can get phone numbers in over 40 countries to start, answer and share calls directly in your Slack channels. Yodel's bot joins your team chat to manage and coordinate phone calls.......

7. Botanalytics

Botanalytics Botanalytics is a conversational analytics tool for bots. It helps bot owners to improve their human-to-bot communication with identifying bottlenecks, filtering conversations, and understanding engagement. Unlike other analytics platforms, botanalytics focuses on conversational analytics. Bot owners have great pain about digging into conversations between their bot and users. Botanalytics enables......

8. is a free online music streaming and discovery service with the goal of connecting you to music perfectly matched to your tastes. We make it easy to explore a whole universe of music to find new bands and artists to enjoy.Presto is developed by a couple of guys who......

9. Solayo

Solayo Solayo is a free music and video tool that allows you to easily search, play & collect available content from Youtube, SoundCloud and more, with an addition of online radio.......

10. Shazam

Shazam Shazam gives instant satisfaction for when you want to know the name of that song playing on the radio. Just point your phone towards the music source to identify the track- you can also buy it instantly or share your discovery with friends and family.......

11. Tars

Tars Create chatbots to replace regular web-forms......

12. Hugging Face

Hugging Face Hugging Face is a fun and light-hearted chat bot app that has you discussing your day and trading selfies with a sassy robot.......

13. is an AI powered platform where businesses can build their own chatbots.Hire a SuperAgent to automate your customer supportYour AI powered powered virtual employee that responds to your customers instantly and learns continuously.No matter what size business you run, answering customer queries has always been a costly affair. You......

14. is a huge archive of more than 30,000 theme songs.......

15. Inforobo

Inforobo Inforobo engages your website visitors in automated conversations with the virtual assistant chatbot by simply chatting or talking with it. The virtual agent acts as a guide, providing answers, guiding customers in their shopping decisions, and seamlessly escalating your sales. Inforobo's artificial intelligence also provides the front-line support so that......