Top 15 7chan Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

7chan is a simple anonymous image board with tighter rules than 4chan and a smaller community.

1. is a start page listing some of the top websites on the internet. We regularly update our website to stay relevant.......


WBCE WBCE is a very user friendly content management system (CMS). It is a further development of the CMS WebsiteBaker, and includes several enhancements and bugfixes. The main advantages of WBCE are intuitive accessable user interface very simple template language easy start for users, designers and developers moderate system requirements high......

3. Domains. Hosting. Websites. A powerful WEB Hosting company, delivers Made in USA Quality results! No hidden fees, fair pricing plus a good refund and privacy policy.......

4. rssparser.lisp

rssparser.lisp A Web-to-RSS parser in Common Lisp. This software was written because a disappointing number of websites still does not have an RSS or Atom feed so you could subscribe to their updates. The script tries to find new articles on any website according to given criteria (CSS selectors) and parse......

5. See The Spark Sites

See The Spark Sites Create a beautiful website in minutes. Choose from a collection of expertly designed themes. All you have to do is add your own text and images to personalise the Site.Simplicity and speed are the name of the game here but if you need more then Sites can be extended, without......

6. MenaPRO

MenaPRO The open source project to deploy responsive websites in seconds.......

7. Android app for website

Android app for website androidappfromwebsite - Android app displaying a website, supporting Facebook connect and displaying a loading bar when the user is loading a page......

8. GlobalizeIt

GlobalizeIt GlobalizeIt is a cloud-based globalization platform for websites. With GlobalizeIt, your website become editable. Translators, editors and designers collaborate together to translate the text directly inline on the page and visually manipulate images and segments for target markets. Then the changes can be published live instantly. It also handles dates,......

9. HiWebby

HiWebby Buy and Sell Domains, Apps, Websites, Freelance Services & Digital Downloads.......

10. Dainty Domains

Dainty Domains Finding a usable domain can be the most difficult part of starting a new project. Most of the obvious domains are taken, or worse reserved and sold at exorbitant prices, so you'll have to get a little creative. Use this tool to think of combinations of words and suggested alternative......

11. react-md

react-md This project's goal is to be able to create a fully accessible material design styled website using React Components and Sass. With the separation of styles in Sass instead of inline styles, it should hopefully be easy to create custom components with the existing styles.......

12. Pagekit

Pagekit A modern open source CMS. Intuitive. Modular. Flexible.......

13. Land-book

Land-book Land-book collects great looking websites, providing a neatly organized directory of searchable sites for creatives to find inspiration.......

14. Web-Page-Screensaver

Web-Page-Screensaver CWC Web-Page-Screensaver shows a website as the screen is turning idle. It can show locally stored html pages as well as online resources. It supports shuffling site display order. .NET Framework v4.6 is required. CWC Web-Page-Screensaver is Open Source und a free license.......

15. Featherlight.js

Featherlight.js Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin. It's simple yet flexible and easy to use. Featherlight has minimal css and uses no inline styles, everything is name-spaced, it's completely customizable via config object and offers image, ajax and iframe support out of the box. Featherlights small footprint weights about......